CMX500 5G one-box signaling tester

CMX500 5G one-box signaling tester
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CMX500 5G one-box signaling tester
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CMX500 5G one-box signaling tester
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CMX500 5G one-box signaling tester
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CMX500 5G one-box signaling tester
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CMX500 5G one-box signaling tester
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CMX500 5G one-box signaling tester, front low CMX500 5G one-box signaling tester, back low CMX500 5G one-box signaling tester, hero view CMX500 5G one-box signaling tester, side view CMX500 5G one-box signaling tester, side view CMX500 5G one-box signaling tester, application image

Key Facts

  • LTE, 5G FR1 frequency range up to 8 GHz and FR2 millimeterwave frequency range up to 50 GHz in one instrument
  • Support of 5G stand-alone mode non-stand-alone mode
  • Can combine several present and future LTE and 5G 3GPP bands
  • One scalable hardware platform with tailored and use-case specific configurations
  • Web-based CMsquares user interface for RF, functional, application and protocol tests

Next generation mobile radio testing

The CMX500 radio communication tester is a future-proof 5G NR testing solution with an intuitive and flexible web-based user interface, R&S®CMsquares. Manual interactive operation and automatic sequence-controlled test protocols make R&S®CMsquares an ideal software solution with unique modules for all signaling use cases, ranging from R&D design stages to end-to-end application testing, production and conformance testing. A one-platform strategy for all 5G NR test equipment enables a unified test environment for signaling and non-signaling tests in all 5G device production stages.

Features & benefits

RF parametric testing (TX & RX)

Complete RF characterization with the CMX500 radio communication tester

High-performance data transmissions via an air interface are only possible with perfect transmit and receive characteristics. In the 5G FR1 and FR2 frequency ranges, key RF transmitter measurements are needed,such as modulation, quality, transmit power and spectral parameters, along with receiver measurements such as the block error rate (BLER). 3GPP specifies extensive test cases for transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) measurements in TS38.521 sections 6 and 7. The cases come preinstalled in the sequencer, where they can be run. The CMX500 callbox function offers intuitive solutions for

  • Flexible RF testing for development with R&S®CMsquares;
  • Fully automated conformance testing with R&S®CONTEST;
  • 3GPP test cases for SA and NSA modes
  • 3GPP MIMO RX/TX measurements
  • Receiver performance measurements under fading conditions
  • Combined LTE – 5G carrier aggregation measurements
  • Easy transfer to production with identical SCPI commands for the CMX and the CMP200 radio communication tester

Data throughput

Fast and easy application testing

The iPerf tool generates traffic that allows you to monitor data rates along the different layers to actively measure the maximum achievable 5G throughput. The integrated file transfer protocol (FTP) server also enables FTP upload and download throughput testing. The achievable data rate for a mobile device is a basic but important feature determined by interface capacity. The CMX500 has powerful IP analysis and protocol statistic measurement functions to effectively monitor internet communications channels.

Protocol testing

Full signaling protocol tests for R&D and conformance  

The CMX500 brings you a full set of tools for signaling tests throughout the complete mobile device development lifecycle. The tester provides wireless device developers with radio access simulation functions and is ideal for signaling test solutions in line with 3GPP standards.

Audio and video testing

High performance for the best user experience

The CMX500 radio communication tester also supports 5G audio and video testing applications. The solution comes with R&S®CMsquares test software and all the necessary technologies for VoLTE and VoNR audio measurements in SA and NSA modes, as well as ViLTE and ViNR measurements. The integrated IMS Server (IP Multimedia Subsystem) enables internal loopback and audio quality testing with an external audio analyzer in IP forward mode.

5G end-to-end application testing

Simplify your test setup with an integrated application testing solution  

The highest 5G architecture layers are the application and IP layers, which use an internet protocol for functions and essential KPIs. The layers are verified in the (e2e) application test. CMX500 application testing features

  • High performance
  • Integrated Web, FTP, DNS and IMS servers
  • Ping latency and throughput measurement functions
  • Packet capture
  • IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity
  • Guaranteed repeatable and comparable test results

Field-to-lab for 5G

Import field-recorded mobile network configurations to the lab

Field-to-lab for 5G lets users import mobile network configurations from field trials or drive tests to a lab environment. The virtual drive testing solution lets users effortlessly analyze field logs, drill down on problem areas and recreate field environments in the lab, minimizing the time needed and making it easier to reproduce issues on the CMX500.

CMsquares - controlling 5G testers
R&S®CMsquares – the powerful control center

R&S®CMsquares – the powerful control center

For all measurement tasks in R&S®CMX500 – a intuitive web-based user interface

The R&S®CMsquares is a unified test software solution with a browser-based user experience combining everything that is required for 5G NR testing. From test configuration, parameterization, measurements as well as test execution in a single environment, with a dashboard style and quick access to different types of applications, it can control all new 5G radio communication testers via a standardized GUI for a unified experience.

CMX500 application
Optimize your end-to-end application testing with the R&S®CMX500

Optimize your end-to-end application testing with the R&S®CMX500

Discover the data testing solution for all applications, featuring support for IP v4 and v6

While other end-to-end testing setups consist of several external components, Rohde & Schwarz revolutionizes this setup with the R&S®CMX500. To create a consolidated solution, the entire data servers and tools were moved into the tester, offering a unique integrated solution for application testing. All tests and measurements can be carried out manually in the graphical user interface R&S®CMsquares, they can be built as test sequences in the integrated Sequencer tool or remotely controlled via XLAPI and SCPI interfaces.

Watch the video and see how you can simplify your test setup and enjoy best reproducibility and stability, wherever you need it.

R&S®CMX500 webinars

Rethink 5G testing

How to implement the ultimate 5G device experience for suitable use cases and markets

More information

Simplifying 5G mobile device testing

A holistic view to the design validation test of a device

More information

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