Standard-compliant test of automotive eCall systems 

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R&S®CMW-KA09x, application image R&S®CMW-KA09x, application image R&S®CMW-KA09x, screenshot R&S®CMW-KA09x, screenshot R&S®CMW-KA09x, screenshot R&S®CMW-KA09x, screenshot

Key Facts

  • Standard compliant conformance testing for EU eCall and ERA-GLONASS
  • Extendable with support for next generation eCall over 4G and 5G with the R&S®CMX500
  • Automated test script inclusive DUT automation for common eCall standards with the R&S®CMWrun test sequencer (sample test plans included)
  • eCall PSAP certified by CETECOM

Ensure your eCall system is 100% reliable and rapidly sends alerts for a fast rescue chain that saves lives

Simplifies and accelerates the development and verification of your eCall or next generation eCall (NGeCall) systems


The R&S®CMW500 in combination with the R&S®CMW-KA094/KA095 PSAP eCall options and the R&S®CMX500 in combination with the R&S®CMW-KA098 are a powerful solution for functional testing, standard compliant conformance testing and performance testing for your eCall, NGeCall and ERA-GLONASS modules. The R&S®CMX-KA098 extension for next generation eCall allows you to test future IMS based eCall systems over 4G and 5G. The system does it all in a lab environment, saving time, reducing costs and minimizing field testing.

Features & benefits

The ideal solution for standard-compliant conformance testing

  • Test that your eCall module complies with the standards e.g. CEN, ETSI, GOST-R etc.
  • Verify that the IVS module can trigger an emergency call – automatically and manually
  • Verify eCall data transmissions and the voice connections to the public safety answering point (PSAP)
  • Compare received eCall data (MSD) with expected values
  • Verify GNSS receiver accuracy (GPS, GALILEO, GLONASS etc.) and visualize position results on OpenStreetMaps.
  • Use the R&S®CMW-KA09x remote interface to create your own test applications and scenarios.

Conformance test solution for automotive eCall systems
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Conformance test solution for automotive eCall systems

GNSS receiver tests

  • Static and dynamic GNSS scenario simulations 
  • GNSS position accuracy analysis from MSD - 2D accuracy with threshold definition
  • GNSS performance testing for eCall modules
  • Testing against EU2017/79 Annex VI and UNECE 2016/07 performance criteria
  • GNSS performance testing for ERA-GLONASS modules
  • Testing against GOST-R-55534/33471 performance criteria
  • Assisted GPS (A-GPS) tests with CMW-KA090

GNSS receiver performance test solution
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GNSS receiver performance test solution

Test automation for repeatable test results

  • Sequencer with ready-to-use test script inclusive DUT automation for: 
  • Sample eCall test plans included for.
    • eCall (CEN, ETSI)
    • ERA-Glonass (GOST-R)
    • NGeCall (CEN)
    • K-eCall
  • Just a GUI, no programming, no code compilation
  • Test creation, parameterization, execution and analysis in a single tool
  • Multi-technology sequencer solution for various applications supported by the R&S®CMW family

Feature overview of R&S®CMWrun test sequencer
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Feature overview of R&S®CMWrun test sequencer

Audio performance of eCall systems

  • For optimal call quality between vehicles and first responders
  • Comprehensive test methods for hands-free emergency calls in line with Recommendation ITU-T P.1140
  • Comprehensive testing for hands-free emergency calls from vehicles in line with Recommendation ITU-T P.1140
  • The R&S®CMX500 establishes an RF connection to the head unit.
  • HEAD acoustics labCORE and ACQUA generate, send and receive audio signals and automatically trigger background noise playback for precise synchronization and audio measurements.

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Available options

General analysis

Order Number 1208.4703.02


Enabling test software for eCALL


Order Number 1208.8844.02


Enabling test software for ERA GLONASS


Order Number 1211.2450.02


Enabling test software for 4G-NGeCALL for CMW500


Order Number 1208.7431.02


R&S®CMWrun eCall and A-GNSS applications


Order Number 1222.6639.02


Enabling test software for 4G/5G-NGeCALL for CMX500


Order Number 1222.8348.02


R&S®CMWrun 4G/5G-NG-eCall application for CMX500


Order Number 1211.3733.02


R&S®CMWrun 4G-NG-eCall application for CMW500

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