Secure or not secure? Analysis of IP security mechanisms in IoT and mobile devices

Webinar: Secure or not secure? Analysis of IP security mechanisms in IoT and mobile devices

Rohde & Schwarz webinar from May 11, 2017

5G targets three main use-case families: enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), massive IoT and ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC). In particular for URLCC, secure communications is of utmost interest to vertical industries such as automotive, Industry 4.0 and eHealth. This webinar provides the background to IP secure connections and introduces a test solution that makes it possible to identify vulnerabilities in the IP connection.

Attendees will learn:

  • Security challenges in particular resulting from vertical industries
  • Key aspects for analyzing the security of an IP connection with focus on the TLS/SSL protocol layer details
  • How to characterize security of an IP connection over an emulated cellular network

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