Ottimizzazione della rete

Ottimizzazione della rete

Meet coverage, quality and service performance objectives

Network optimization and troubleshooting are crucial for network operations, especially in today's fast-paced, technology-driven environment where networks are constantly evolving:

  • Network capacity must continuously increase to meet ever-growing traffic demand.
  • New network infrastructures are regularly deployed, and new network architecture concepts are introduced.
  • New services and capacity-raising features are launched.
  • Coverage is continually expanded.

Your network optimization challenges

Mobile network operators (MNO) face increasing technological complexity, resulting in heightened competition and greater cost pressures on both CAPEX and OPEX. At the same time, subscribers are highly sensitive to service quality (QoE). Consequently, MNOs must adopt innovative strategies for network optimization and ensure fast, efficient troubleshooting when issues arise. The ultimate challenge lies in optimizing the network to achieve the targeted performance.

High performance solutions for network optimization

Rohde & Schwarz offers sophisticated network optimization tools that leverage data collected from various sources, including statistical counters from network elements and measurement data from network benchmarking campaigns.

Our holistic network optimization solution ensures a highly reliable and cost effective data collection process, minimizing operational costs through smart end-to-end campaign automation. It provides deep, actionable QoE centric insights through machine learning assisted data analytics. From these analytics results, network optimization measures can be derived, decided upon and implemented efficiently.

Prodotti per l’ottimizzazione della rete


Piattaforma software universale per l'ingegneria delle reti

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Famiglia di scanner di rete per drive test e misure a piedi

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QualiPoc Android

Software per il test QoE basato su smartphone

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Suite software per l’analisi di dati QoE

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Benefits of our network optimization solutions

Rohde & Schwarz is a pioneer in QoE centric mobile network benchmarking. Our network optimization and troubleshooting solutions are based on this extensive benchmarking experience. All solutions are designed and manufactured by our interdisciplinary team of in house experts. This allows us to control the entire value chain and offer superior product quality. As a result, our customers benefit from increased network performance to meet increasing market and subscriber demands.

Competenza nell'ottimizzazione della rete

Webinar: IP analysis - the groundbreaking development in network benchmarking

Explore the possibilities of enhancing benchmarking campaigns with IP data

More information

Educational note: Machine learning based network optimization

Understand the motivation behind the use of machine learning for network optimization

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App card: Crowdsourcing vs. mobile network testing

Learn the structure of the crowdsourcing space and understand the pros and cons

More information

Webinar: Modernization of test methods for 5G network performance
Webinar: Quattro fasi dell'ottimizzazione olistica della rete 5G

Partecipate a questo webinar per conoscere le quattro fasi dell'approccio olistico di ottimizzazione della rete 5G con le soluzioni di Rohde & Schwarz.

Maggiori informazioni

Webinar: Four phases of the holistic 5G network optimization
Webinar: Quattro fasi dell'ottimizzazione olistica della rete 5G

Partecipate a questo webinar per conoscere le quattro fasi dell'approccio olistico di ottimizzazione della rete 5G con le soluzioni di Rohde & Schwarz.

Maggiori informazioni

Ottimizzazione delle reti mobili LTE: la guida definitiva

Questo white paper è un testo di riferimento tecnico che descrive le sfide poste dall'ottimizzazione delle reti di accesso radio e come affrontarle. Identifica i parametri prestazionali (KPI), i loro indicatori di rendimento (PI) associati e le metriche di misura sul campo.

Maggiori informazioni

Data analytics drill-down – concept and benefits
Video: Data analytics drill down - concepts and benefits

Understand the concept and benefits of SmartAnalytics, a data analytics software suite

Watch Video

Data analytics drill-down – voice
Video: Data analytics drill down - voice

Learn how to use SmartAnalytics to understand data service measurement results

Watch Video

Data analytics drill-down – data
Video: Data analytics drill down – data

Learn how to use SmartAnalytics to understand data service measurement results

Watch Video

Guida alla soluzione: test di reti mobili

Scoprite la soluzione di test giusta per le vostre esigenze: massimizzate la qualità e le prestazioni della rete.

Maggiori informazioni

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