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Learn how to configure Rohde & Schwarz products to fit your application. Search our database by product, technology, or application to find relevant technical documents.
5 Results
The R&S®QPS product family provides high resolution security scanning and was specifically designed to promote faster, more effective and comfortable people screening at security checkpoints. Utilizing safe millimeterwave radio frequency technology, the R&S®QPS security scanners automatically and safely detect potentially dangerous person-borne threats and contraband.
The R&S®QPS quick personnel security scanners are new, high-resolution security scanners designed specifically to make people screening at security checkpoints faster, more effective and comfortable.
The R&S®QPS quick personnel security scanner transforms people-screening technology with its high-performance, fully electronic and solidstate flat panel design that has no moving parts. The R&S®QPS improves the security screening experience and operations by having a simple open design for a spacious screening environment and unobstructed view for security personnel, making high-resolution people screening more comfortable and efficient than ever before.
People screening at airports, borders, high-security facilities and in other environments requires a balance between security effectiveness and respect for the privacy of individuals being screened. The R&S®QPS quick personnel security scanners deliver high-performance threat and contraband detection designed specifically to protect personal privacy and minimize intrusive secondary screening measures.
The R&S®QPS millimeterwave security scanner delivers the most accurate measurement results in 1.5 to 2.5 s. The instantaneous scan requires only 64 ms, or five times faster than the blink of an eye, virtually eliminating the ambiguous readings that occur due to accidental movement with the longer scan time of other imaging technology.