150 Results
RF chipset verification for UMTS LTE (FDD) with R&S<sup>®</sup>SMU200A and R&S<sup>®</sup>FSQ
19-Dec-2008 | AN-No. 1MA138
This application note illustrates the operation of the OFDM measurement software R&S FSQ-K96. It describes applications, setup, features, settings and results.
17-Oct-2008 | AN-No. 1EF65
Generation and Analysis of ZigBee™ IEEE802.15.4 signals in the 2.4 GHz band
21-Jun-2007 | AN-No. RSI03
WiMAX: IEEE 802.16e-2005 Introduction to OFDMA Measurements
23-May-2007 | AN-No. 1EF58
Using the Digital Baseband Interface R&S<sup>®</sup>EX-IQBox with R&S<sup>®</sup>Signal Analyzers and Agilent<sup>®</sup>ADS<sup>®</sup>Software
26-Jun-2009 | AN-No. 1MA147
WiMAX - Generating and analyzing 802.16-2004 and 802.16e-2005 signals
10-Jul-2006 | AN-No. 1MA97
AmpTune - Software for Measuring Amplifier Nonlinearity in Realistic Conditions
26-Oct-2005 | AN-No. 1MA27
This application note describes how transmitter (Tx) tests (TS25.141 Chapter 6) can be performed quickly and easily by using signal and spectrum analyzers from Rohde & Schwarz.
21-Oct-2014 | AN-No. 1MA67
R&S®FSQ-K10x EUTRA/LTE DL Measurement Application
R&S®FSQ-K10x EUTRA/LTE UL Measurement Application
R&S FSQ-B71 Analog Baseband Input
R&S FSQ-K70, FSU and FSMR-B73 Vector Signal Analysis
R&S FSQ-K96 OFDM Vector Signal Analysis (PC Software)
R&S FS-K92/-K93/-K94 WiMAX
WiMAX - General information about the standard 802.16
13-Jun-2006 | AN-No. 1MA96
WiMAX: 802.16-2004, 802.16e, WiBRO Introduction to WiMAX Measurements
11-Jul-2006 | AN-No. 1EF57
R&S®FSQ-K70 Vektorsignalanalysator - Specifications
EVM Measurements for ZigBee signals in the 2.4 GHz band
12-Dec-2014 | AN-No. 1EF55
R&S®FSQ-K92/-K93/-K94 WiMAX™, WiBro Application Firmware - Specifications
R&S®FSx-K92/-K93, FSQ-K94 WiMAX TX measurements with analyzers from Rohde&Schwarz - Product Brochure
Remote Setup for 3G High Dynamic Multi Charrier Signals with SMIQ03HD and FSU / FSQ
13-Dec-2002 | AN-No. 1MA62
Spectrum Analyzer R&S FSP/FSQ/FSU Instrument Security
20-Sep-2004 | AN-No. 1EF53
R&S®FS-K10 GSM/EDGE/EDGE Evolution Measurements - Specifications
A versatile RF Fading Simulator can easily be built using an R&S®FSW, R&S®FSQ, R&S®FSG, R&S®FSV signal analyzer.
27-Feb-2015 | AN-No. 1MA145
R&S®FS-K15 VOR/ILS Measurement Demodulator for R&S®FSMR/FSU/FSQ - Specifications