25 Results
Technical specifications of the R&S®SGU100A SGMA upconverter.
The R&S®SGS100A is an RF source designed to meet the requirements of automated test systems. It is available as a continuous wave (CW) source or as a vector signal generator with an integrated I/Q modulator. With its frequency range of up to 12.75 GHz, the vector signal generator version covers the essential digital signals. The CW version can be used as a flexible local oscillator as well as for interference testing against mobile radio standards. The R&S®SGU100A upconverter extends the frequency range to 40 GHz.
This application note explains how to connect and interface with the SGMA instruments and gives some recommendations and hints about their use.
15-Oct-2015 | AN-No. 1GP103
Models: R&S®SGU100A SGMA upconverte
Models: R&S®SGU100A SGMA upconverte
Models: R&S®SGU100A SGMA upconverte
Rohde & Schwarz Instrument Security Procedures for the R&S®SGU100A SGMA Upconverter.
Rohde & Schwarz getting started for the R&S®SGU SGMA Upconverter, with basic information on the initial operation and the functions of the upconverter.
Rohde & Schwarz User Manual for the R&S®SGU SGMA Upconverter, with information on the operation and functions of the upconverter as well as a description of the remote commands.
This application note introduces the IVI High Speed LAN Instrument Protocol (HiSLIP) and outlines its features. HiSLIP is the successor to the VXI-11 LAN remote control protocol. This document also describes guidelines for using this protocol.
12-Nov-2014 | AN-No. 1MA208
How to set a static TCP/IP address
How can I set the TCP/IP settings from DHCP to Static?
SGMA Device - How to change LAN settings from DHCP to static IP address via USB.
The application note address test and measurement possibilities for DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X signals in the Ku & Ka -band.
08-Mar-2016 | AN-No. 1MA273
R&S®VISA is a standardized software library that allows fast communications over diverse interfaces with a wide variety of T&M instruments that are detected on the network from PC applications.
26-May-2020 | AN-No. 1DC02
The R&S SMW200A vector signal generator can simultaneously generate up to eight independent signals from a single instrument to support even complex applications like MSR, carrier aggregation, MIMO or enhanced interference scenarios. This application note gives an overview of common multi-channel application examples and how to equip the R&S SMW200A appropriately.
12-Mar-2018 | AN-No. 1GP106
Das Signalgenerator-Portfolio von Rohde & Schwarz reicht von ultrakompakten, überragend schnellen Analog- und Vektorsignalquellen für Produktion und automatisierte Testumgebungen bis hin zu branchenführenden Analog- und Vektorsignalgeneratoren für Forschung und Entwicklung in den Bereichen Telekommunikation, Luftfahrt und Verteidigung sowie Halbleiter.
This application note explains how to generate phase coherent signals with a compact easy-to-use solution.
07-Sep-2016 | AN-No. 1GP108
Flexible solutions for quantum systems - Product Flyer
This white paper introduces measures to minimize malware threats and discusses ways to reduce risks while insuring that instrument performance is not compromised. The paper also discusses the use of anti-virus software in combination with Embedded Linux based instruments.
23-Nov-2016 | AN-No. 1GP112
Rohde & Schwarz Health Guide – For signal generators - Flyer
T&M solution guide for network infrastructure equipment providers
The Rohde & Schwarz signal generator portfolio ranges from ultra compact, uniquely fast analog and vector signal sources for production and automated test environments to industry-leading analog and vector signal generators for R&D in the telecommunications, A&D and semiconductor sectors.
Signal generation and analysis for 5G and beyond - Application Brochure