10 Results
Models: R&S®NRP18P, R&S®NRP40P, R&S®NRP50P
EU Declaration of Conformity for Pulse Power Sensor NRP18P, NRP40P, NRP50P
Models: R&S®NRP18P, R&S®NRP40P, R&S®NRP50P
Models: R&S®NRP18P, R&S®NRP40P, R&S®NRP50P
Rohde & Schwarz user manual for the R&S NRPxxP power sensors including information on how to setup and perform basic measurements and remote command description.
Enhanced R&S NRPxxP RF wideband power measurement sensor family with maximum frequency of 50 GHzUpgraded Rohde & Schwarz compact standalone wideband sensors for power measurements make up the R&S NRPxxP family. The R&S NRP50P is the latest model and engineers can now measure power levels from –60 dBm to +20 dBm at frequencies from 50 MHz to 50 GHz. The sensor is ideal for installing, maintaining and monitoring wireless communications systems.
Rohde & Schwarz getting started for the NRP power sensors including information on how to setup and perform basic measurements.
Rohde & Schwarz user manual for the R&S®NRPV Virtual Power Meter.
The most important features for accurate and uncomplicated power measurements are top measurement accuracy and speed as well as simple operation on a base unit or a laptop/PC. The R&S®NRP power meter family combines all these characteristics in the R&S®NRX base unit, R&S®NRPV virtual power meter PC software and a comprehensive portfolio of LAN and USB power sensors. The R&S®NRP family is ideal for use in production, R&D and calibration labs as well as for installation and maintenance tasks.