RTP - Centro de mídia

Embedding & Equalization with the R&S RTP Oscilloscope (Part 1)

Learn about key advantages of the Embedding and Equalization option of the R&S RTP & RTO6 oscilloscopes. Start with the Signal Configurator.

Jul 11, 2024

Embedding & Equalization with the R&S RTP Oscilloscope (Part 2)

Learn how easy it is to configure a cable emulation within the Embedding setup dialog. For interface standards such as USB, necessary S-parameter files are included in the oscilloscope software.

Jul 10, 2024

Embedding & Equalization with the R&S RTP Oscilloscope (Part 3)

The Eye Diagram is an effective tool to validate signal integrity. This video compares the eye diagram on a signal acquired at the output of a USB transmitter versus a waveform with some added cable emulation.

Jul 09, 2024

Embedding & Equalization with the R&S RTP Oscilloscope (Part 4)

Learn how easy it is to configure a equalizer emulation within the Equalizer setup dialog. For interface standards such as USB, PCIe or DP, the necessary S-parameter files are included in the oscilloscope software.

Jul 08, 2024

RTP Oscilloscopes with External Frontends (Part 1)

The R&S FE External Frontends extend the frequency range of the RTP Oscilloscope up to 170 GHz. No additional equipment is needed for this compact and fully calibrated solution. Learn how easy it is to configure a external frontend directly by the RTP GUI.

Jul 05, 2024

RTP Oscilloscopes with External Frontends (Part 2 )

The R&S RTP oscilloscope offers a comprehensive set of tools for analysing widebad RF signals together with the external frontends downconverted. Start with powerful trigger events, responsive spectrum analysis or the unique IQ mode to prepare in depth signal analysis. .

Jul 04, 2024

RTP Oscilloscopes with External Frontends (Part 3 )

The R&S VSE software offer a comprehensive set of analysis options for RF signal analysis. This video demonstrates how easy the VSE software can analyze a 5G FR2 signal that was captured and downconverted by the FE44S external frontend and acquired by the RTP oscilloscope.

Jul 03, 2024

RTP Oscilloscopes with External Frontends (Part 4 )

The RTP oscilloscope can use up to 4 external frontends to acquire the respective IF signals for further analysis. Here we use two FE44S external frontends to test a 5G FR2 signal at 28 GHz. Signal analysis is performed by the R&S VSE software running directly on the RTP oscilloscope.

Jul 02, 2024

RTP Oscilloscopes with External Frontends (Part 5 )

Use the R&S RTP Oscilloscope with the R&S External Frontend FE110SR to debug your automotive radar devices. This example demonstrates the analysis of a bursted radar chirp signal with the FFT and Spectrogram. Analysis with the R&S VSE software and the Transient option enhances the characterization of radar signals. Additionally, the acquisition of two FE110SR signals with a maximum bandwith of 10 GHz in a frequency range of 70 to 110 GHz is possible the RTP oscilloscope.

Jul 01, 2024

PAM-N Analysis with the R&S RTP Oscilloscope (Part 1)

Learn about key advantages of the PAM-N analysis option on the R&S RTP & RTO6 oscilloscopes. Start with the Signal Configurator.

Jun 28, 2024

PAM-N Analysis with the R&S RTP Oscilloscope (Part 2)

Learn about key advantages of the PAM-N analysis option on the R&S RTP & RTO6 oscilloscopes. In combination with the CDR option, obtain the fastest eye diagrams to characterize signal behaviour in seconds.

Jun 27, 2024

PAM-N Analysis with the R&S RTP Oscilloscope (Part 3)

Learn about key advantages of the PAM-N analysis option on the R&S RTP & RTO6 oscilloscopes. In combination with the CDR option, obtain the fastest eye diagrams to characterize signal behaviour in seconds.

Jun 26, 2024

Towards 6G: MIMO measurements up to 110 GHz

This video demonstrates signal transmission and analysis of a 2x2 MIMO signal at 90 GHz.

Mar 12, 2024

Compensate signal losses in real-time. RTP - see the difference

Compensate signal losses from test fixtures or cables in real-time.

Aug 15, 2022

Trigger on Zones in real-time. RTP - see the difference

The RTP's Zone trigger allowes as the only oscilloscope in the world to isolate events in the time and the frequency domain.

Aug 15, 2022

Differential signal math in real-time. RTP - see the difference

Benefit from differential and common mode signals beeing calculated in real-time.

Aug 15, 2022

Serial bus decoding. RTP - see the difference

The 16 digital channels of the MSO option extend the measurement resources of the RTP. Use them for protocol-based triggering and decoding of low-speed interfaces such as I2C, SPI, MIL1553 or MIPI RFFE.

Aug 15, 2022

Powerful spectrum and spectrogram. RTP - see the difference

Use the accuracy of the RTP for the analysis of wide-band RF signals.

Aug 15, 2022

How does high update rate help? RTP - see the difference

Benefits from the RTP oscillscopes, offering the fastest update rate of maximum 750,000 waveforms/s.

Aug 15, 2022

Isolate signal details with precise digital trigger. See the difference

RTP oscilloscopes can trigger on signals as small as 1/1000th of a vertical division thanks to digital triggering and adjustable hysteresis.

Aug 15, 2022

Quickly access your favourite tools. RTP - see the difference

Access your favourite scope functions most quickly via the toolbar.

Aug 15, 2022

Superior user experience. RTP - see the difference

Learn how easy it is to organize your waveforms and results with the RTP oscilloscope.

Aug 15, 2022

Accelerate your EMI debugging. RTP - see the difference

See on our debugging example how to use the powerful spectrum analysis with log display, peak list and limit lines for visualizing and evaluating the EMI emission.

Aug 15, 2022

Automated measurements. RTP - see the difference

The RTP offers of more than 90 automated measurements, with statistical analysis and histogram and track display for data visualization. Learn to use it most easily.

Aug 15, 2022

Meet the R&S RTP Oscillscope

The R&S RTP is the most versatile multi-purpose oscilloscope.

Aug 15, 2022

Análise de pulso multicanal com coerência de fase

Solução escalável e fácil de configurar para sistemas de Radar/EW, para a análise precisa e com coerência de fase de vários sinais pulsados.

jan. 20, 2021

Análise de jitter avançada com osciloscópios da Rohde & Schwarz

Novo modelo de sinal baseado em algoritmo de decomposição de jitter

jan. 21, 2020

Análise de TDR/TDT com osciloscópios da Rohde & Schwarz

Medições de perda de impedância e transmissão

jan. 21, 2020

Correção avançada de formas de onda matemáticas integrais

Saiba como remover ruídos de 1/f em uma forma de onda matemática integral, para analisar sinais pulsados ou sinusoidais com funções matemáticas avançadas.

set. 09, 2019

Medição de energia de sinais pulsados

Saiba como medir a energia de um sinal de onda sinusoidal pulsado com funções matemáticas avançadas.

set. 09, 2019

Modo de I/Q para análise de sinais de RF

Faça a conversão descendente de sinais de RF no osciloscópio, e utilize a amostra de I/Q resultante para análise posterior com as ferramentas externas ou o software R&S®VSE.

set. 09, 2019

Radar automotivo de 77 GHz (parte 1)

Saiba mais sobre a instalação básica de testes de um dispositivo de radar automotivo, com um osciloscópio RTP de alto desempenho.

set. 08, 2019

Radar automotivo de 77 GHz (parte 2)

Faça a compensação dos conversores e de outros componentes de instalação em tempo real.

set. 07, 2019

Radar automotivo de 77 GHz (parte 3)

Demodule os pulsos de radar com as funções do osciloscópio integradas.

set. 06, 2019

Radar automotivo de 77 GHz (parte 4)

Realize medições com coerência de fase em sinais de antena múltiplos.

set. 05, 2019

Clock and LO components in 5G base stations (part 2/3)

Learn how to verify the performance of RF sampling clock generator / jitter attenuator with low noise signal generator and high-performance oscilloscope.

Feb 10, 2019

Depuração de interface USB 3.1 com compensação em tempo real

Como utilizar a compensação em tempo real em um dispositivo USB 3.1 Gen1.

jun. 28, 2018

Depuração de integridade de sinal DDR3

Como realizar a depuração da integridade de sinal em um dispositivo DDR3.

jun. 11, 2018

Depuração de integridade de sinal

Exibida em um dispositivo USB 3.1 Gen1.

jun. 11, 2018

Análise de sinais RF pulsados de banda larga

Como analisar parâmetros básicos de sinais RF pulsados.

jun. 11, 2018

Análise de atrasos de sinais múltiplos de RF de banda larga

Análise de sinais múltiplos de RF, comumente utilizados para radiogoniometria

jun. 11, 2018

Depuração de integridade de energia

Ponta de prova para análise de potência em circuito integrado em combinação com osciloscópio de alto desempenho.

jun. 11, 2018

Compensação em tempo real

Benefícios e vantagens

jun. 11, 2018

Análise de sinais de radar complexos

Análise de chilro para cima e para baixo no domínio de frequência e tempo.

jun. 08, 2018

Disparo em domínio de frequência com disparo de zona

Capacidade de disparo excepcional

jun. 08, 2018

FFT responsivo e espectrograma

Fácil configuração de análise do domínio de frequência

jun. 08, 2018

Análise de trem de pulso de radiofrequência

Como medir sequências de pulso no domínio de tempo e frequência.

jun. 08, 2018

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