R&S®NESTOR cellular network analysis software

R&S®NESTOR cellular network analysis software
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R&S®NESTOR cellular network analysis software
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R&S®NESTOR cellular network analysis software, Screenshot R&S®NESTOR cellular network analysis software, Application Image

Key Facts

  • Measure parameters and read out data from cellular networks
  • Parallel measurement of all supported technologies with R&S®TSMX scanners
  • Real-time analysis during data acquisition
  • Data postprocessing for in‑depth analysis
  • Intuitive operation for complex tasks

Accurate multitechnology RF measurements for deep network insights

R&S®NESTOR is a Windows 10 based platform for analyzing cellular networks via the air interface. It is deployed by law enforcement agencies, intelligence services, armed forces and regulatory authorities. R&S®NESTOR is used together with R&S®TSMX mobile network scanners and QualiPoc smartphones, which offer the most advanced technology worldwide. The software supports all relevant applications that public authorities and security organizations need to gather information about cellular networks. R&S®NESTOR is used in vehicles, trains, aircraft, drones, on ships and on foot.

Features & benefits

Easy operation for complex tasks

Intuitive usability enables efficient data collection and investigation.

NESTOR comes with a user-friendly interface that can be operated via touchscreen and/or mouse. The software supports automatic hardware configuration, enabling quick system setup. NESTOR directly provides all the needed information for a particular scenario, while allowing users to additionally filter and group the data. The system can be reconfigured during the measurement, for example to run several use cases in parallel. The NESTOR user interface supports multiple languages.

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Know your environment

Fast and reliable capture of the cellular network environment

In combination with R&S®TSMx network scanners, NESTOR automatically detects all used GSM, UMTS, LTE, 5G NR, CDMA2000® and EV-DO channels. Cell site positions and sector directions can be determined from both ground and airborne measurement campaigns.  With additional measurement hardware, also Wi-Fi access points can be identified. The network data can be analyzed within the NESTOR map engine using open street maps or exported to GIS tools.

Gather and present evidence

Forensic analysis of cellular network measurements

Law enforcement relies on network data to present evidence, and NESTOR makes this work simple and reliable. The crime scene investigation scenario automatically generates a list of cells for further investigation that can be used to contact network operators and collect subscriber information. The alibi verification scenario provides technical evidence about the coverage at a certain location and automatically compares it with data from network operators. 

Protect sensitive areas

Detect and monitor irregular cellular radio cells in GSM, UMTS and LTE

Irregular base stations are a threat to network integrity and pose a security risk. NESTOR automatically analyzes all cells on air to identify suspicious cells. In case of detection, NESTOR provides information to the user in real time. The solution can be used for walk and drive campaigns. It can also be deployed in monitoring setups for permanently protecting sensitive areas.

Search and rescue

Locating mobile phones in case of emergency

In case of an emergency, NESTOR can obtain network operator data from a mobile phone of a missing person. The NESTOR cell measurement and evaluation scenario analyzes measurement data to identify the target area to search for the missing person.

Available options

Software options

Driver for Rohde & Schwarz mobile network scanners


Automatic cell detection


Coverage analysis


Cell position estimation


Airborne cell position estimation


3GPP spectrum analysis


Forensic analysis


Base station analysis


Base station monitoring




Infill cell planning


Driver for WLAN hardware


Driver for QualiPoc smartphone

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