R&S®DB5400 VCMS server

VCS central management server

R&S®DB5400 VCMS server
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R&S®DB5400 VCMS server
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R&S®DB5400 VCMS server
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R&S®DB5400 VCMS server, Front view R&S®DB5400 VCMS server, Side view R&S®DB5400 VCMS server, Front view

Key Facts

  • Centralized system management for easy operation
  • Quad redundancy architecture
  • Complementary to the R&S®RCMS II
  • Strong security 
  • Available as hardware or as a virtual package

Centrally coordinating configurations for the CERTIUM VCS system

Full and tangible employment of fundamental CERTIUM ecosystem design concepts, the R&S®VCMS combines modular design, central control and reliability through redundancy. It is crucial within the CERTIUM VCS system, where it stores all device configuration settings in a common central location, which also has a redundant backup. Together with the R&S RCMS remote control service, the two devices are the management branch of CERTIUM. SQL and HTTP provide full IP compatibility, enabling R&S®DB5400 to offer password protected web access to its database.

Features & benefits

Centralized configuration and management

Intuitive management of distributed VCSs, gateways and SBCs

Reliability and maintainability are essential to the CERTIUM philosophy. Centralized management of distributed systems is a sophisticated way to enhance both. Separating devices and their configurations provides an extra layer of resilience to a system. In the unlikely event of a device failure, its impact will be limited to a piece of hardware without compromising the more global system configuration settings.

CERTIUM – a one-stop-shop ATC network solution
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CERTIUM – a one-stop-shop ATC network solution

The CERTIUM ecosystem fully embodies the firm Rohde & Schwarz belief in premium quality solutions for sustainable and reliable long-term operations.

Encryption and protection

Strong security protocols implemented for state-of-the art system protection

Security cannot be a question of compromise, which is why our solutions have been designed to deliver. By employing innovative techniques such as Linux OS hardening and conforming to FIPS and OWASP industry standards, our systems are ready to responsibly take on the challenge of critical ANSP infrastructures. With further support for VOTE VoIP security guidance, the R&S®DB5400 VCMS server is a reliable package for enhancing security where it counts the most.

Hardened security for critical applications
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Hardened security for critical applications

Rohde & Schwarz offers you the toolkit to achieve thorough security within your network.

Centralized radiomonitoring and control

Benefit from a flexible topology to monitor distant radio sites remotely

At the core of the R&S®DB5400 VCMS server sits the radio remote control management (RRCM) system. It enables an additional level of communications between individual radios and network management. The R&S®DB5400 also allows remote control and monitoring, e.g. between a control center and a radio site hundreds of miles apart. 

Synoptic view
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Synoptic view

No radio site is too far away thanks to the R&S®DB5400 VCMS server.

Quad redundancy concept

Set of multiple redundancy mechanisms for unmatched ATC reliability

Four is better than one. With the R&S®DB5400 VCMS server, Rohde & Schwarz has introduced a unique quad redundancy topology with two pairs of two redundant servers each, ensuring overall system availability of 99.999 % (a.k.a. 'five nines'). In addition to that, the VCS supports dedicated protocols such as PRP. Thanks to the network's sophisticated architecture, redundancy can be extended to entire control centers and radio sites. 

Quad redundant network topology
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Quad redundant network topology

With its signature quad redundancy technology, Rohde & Schwarz is able to ensure system availability in line with the highest  current standards.

Seamless compatibility

Ensure perfect alignment between individual devices within a network

The VCMS server plays a central role in matching individual components within the R&S®VCS-4G system. The VCMS server works closely with the RRMC remote monitoring and control system. Together they ensure smooth operation of all VCS-4G system components.

VCS-4G general system interconnection
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VCS-4G general system interconnection

Centrally coordinated IP infrastructure.

Safety certification

Software development process in line with ED-153

Rohde & Schwarz develops its systems in line with the ED-153 guidelines for ANS software safety assurance. As a part of the VCS system, the R&S®DB5400 VCMS server is compliant with EUROCAE ED-153, as certified by Certisa Ltd, an UK based independent evaluation company. In addition, R&S VCS-4G hardware development applies ED-153 best practices in product lifecycle methodology, such as safety considerations and traceability.

EUROCAE ED-153 Compliance
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EUROCAE ED-153 Compliance

In line with the EUROCAE ED-153 guidelines for ANS software safety assurance.

Available options


Optional Secondary AC Power Supply

General analysis

VCMS Base Software License


VCMS Voice Port License


VCMS VoIP Recording Port License 


Radio remote monitoring and control (RRMC) port license


Virtual Center License per CWP


Traffic Analysis Tool License per CWP

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