5G New Radio Digital standards

5G New Radio Digital standards
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R&S®5G New Radio digital standards, screenshot

Key Facts

  • 5G uplink/downlink FDD or TDD signals in line with 3GPP Release 15, 16, 17  
  • All numerologies and channel bandwidths for FR1 and FR2
  • Channel coding and PDSCH/PUSCH spatial multiplexing
  • Test case wizard for easy test setup in line with 3GPP TS 38.141-1 and 38.141-2
  • Logging of intermediate results from the signal generation chain

5G New Radio signal generation

The 5G NR software option simplifies the uplink and downlink in 5G NR signal configurations. It supports all the waveforms, channel bandwidths, modulation schemes and numerology options specified in the standards. The intuitive GUI allows many parameters (multiple bandwidth parts or MIMO precoding) to be configured directly on the instrument or desktop with WinIQSIM2.
Context-sensitive help menu, presets for downlink test models, uplink FRCs and a graphical timeplan of configured signals make for a fast and efficient workflow. Intermediate signal generation chain results can be easily logged for debugging. A test case wizard helps with the easy set up of base station tests.


Features & benefits

Supports all physical signals and channels

Flexibly configure 5G New Radio physical layer

The 5G NR software options implement the physical layer in line with 3GPP Release 15, 16 and 17. It supports all downlink and uplink physical channels, multiple bandwidth parts with mixed numerology  and important physical layer features such as channel coding, scrambling, multiplexing of data and control information. The option provides standard-compliant signals to test components, modules, receivers and base stations.

Main menu (downlink)
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Main menu (downlink)

MIMO, carrier aggregation (CA) and multiple users

Easily configure MIMO signals and up to 16 component carriers for carrier aggregation (CA)

The 5G NR software options provide full spatial multiplexing (MIMO) and transmit diversity support with flexible antenna port mapping. The intracarrier and intercarrier aggregation of up to 16 component carriers can be configured, including cross-carrier scheduling.
Up to 10 scheduled users can be configured for realistic receiver tests.

Carrier aggregation dialog
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Carrier aggregation dialog

Test case wizard for easy setup of base station tests

The test case wizard supports test signal configuration in line with 3GPP TS 38.141-1 as required for base station compliance testing. It offers a selection of predefined settings for wanted and interfering signals in line with defined test cases. The closed-loop base station test option also enables dynamic changes to the 5G NR uplink test signals needed for the HARQ feedback tests described in Section 8. 

Test case wizard main dialog
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Test case wizard main dialog

Simplified physical layer configuration

The quick settings menu simplifies 5G NR signal generation for component testing. Important parameters such as channel bandwidth, subcarrier spacing, modulation and resource block allocation can be changed with a single click. The TDD slot allocation includes a  special slot that can be configured with a graphical display. 

Quick settings menu
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Quick settings menu

Accurate level setting and crest factor reduction

The flexibility of the 5G NR physical layer in frequency and time domains can make setting a specific output power challenging. Different modes are available to define the method for calculating signal power. This allows accurate PRACH measurements, since the reference bandwidth is automatically configured.  Signals with a certain target crest factor can be directly configured (requires CFR option).

Power mode settings
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Power mode settings

Supports design flow optimization

Log files for design verification and enhanced debugging

Logging points are provided to capture  intermediate results from the signal processing chain (including forward error correction) which can be stored as bitstream or I/Q sample files. This enables designers to verify their receiver and transmitter software implementations on the 5G NR physical layer and obtain insights into enhanced debugging.

Log points for log file generation
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Log points for log file generation

Available models

Base unit


Order Number 1414.4990.02

5G NR Release 15
Base unit


Order Number 1414.6664.02

5G NR Release 16
Base unit


Order Number 1414.6506.02

5G New Radio Closed-Loop BS Test
Base unit


Order Number 1413.3261.02

U-Plane generation
Base unit


Order Number 1414.5022.02

5G NR Release 15 (WinIQSIM2™)
Base unit


Order Number 1413.7296.02

5G NR Release 17/18 (WinIQSIM2™)
Base unit
Base unit


Order Number 1441.1730.02

5G NR Release 15
Base unit


Order Number 1441.2166.02

5G NR Release 16
Base unit


Order Number 1441.1018.02

5G NR Release 17/18
Base unit


Order Number 1441.1076.02

5G NR sidelink
Base unit


Order Number 1441.1030.02

U-Plane generation
Base unit


Order Number 1441.1360.02

5G NR Release 15 (WinIQSIM2™)
Base unit


Order Number 1441.2172.02

5G NR Release 16 (WinIQSIM2™)
Base unit


Order Number 1441.1082.02

5G NR sidelink (WinIQSIM2™)
Base unit


Order Number 1441.1024.02

5G NR Release 17/18 (WinIQSIM2™)
Base unit
Base unit


Order Number 1423.8608.02

5G NR Release 15
Base unit


Order Number 1423.8843.02

5G NR Release 16
Base unit


Order Number 1423.9085.02

5G NR Release 17/18
Base unit


Order Number 1423.8989.02

U-Plane generation
Base unit


Order Number 1423.8614.02

5G NR Release 15 (WinIQSIM2™)
Base unit
Base unit


Order Number 1434.4873.02

5G NR Release 15 (WinIQSIM2™)
Base unit


Order Number 1434.5686.02

5G NR Release 16 (WinIQSIM2™)
Base unit
Base unit


Order Number 1419.5908.02

5G NR Release 15 (WinIQSIM2™)
Base unit


Order Number 1419.8036.02

5G NR Release 16 (WinIQSIM2™)
Base unit

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