R&S®ESRP EMI test receiver

Precompliance measurements – fast and straightforward

R&S®ESRP EMI test receiver
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R&S®ESRP EMI test receiver
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R&S®ESRP EMI test receiver
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R&S®ESRP EMI test receiver
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R&S®ESRP EMI test receiver
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R&S®ESRP EMI test receiver, Front view R&S®ESRP EMI test receiver, Front High R&S®ESRP EMI test receiver, Back view R&S®ESRP EMI test receiver, Hero view R&S®ESRP EMI test receiver, Screenshot

Key Facts

  • EMI test receiver and signal/spectrum analyzer combined in one box
  • Weighting detectors: PK+, QPK and CISPR and RMS average (CISPR 16-1-1) 
  • Resolution bandwidths in line with CISPR 16-1-1 and MIL-STD
  • Preselection and preamplifier
  • Fast FFT based time domain scan

Engineered for reliable precompliance and powerful diagnostics 

The R&S®ESRP EMI test receiver has been designed for diagnostic measurements during development and for precompliance measurements to prepare products for final certification testing. It measures electromagnetic disturbances in the 10 Hz to 7 GHz frequency range, using either conventional stepped frequency scans or FFT based time domain scans to significantly speed up measurements. The R&S®ESRP is also a full-featured, powerful signal and spectrum analyzer for lab applications. Touch screen and straightforward menu structure make the R&S®ESRP easy to operate in any mode.

Features & benefits

Sophisticated precompliance measurements

Disturbance measurements in line with commercial and military standards

  • Detectors in line with CISPR 16-1-1: quasi-peak, CISPR-average, RMS-average
  • 6 dB bandwidth in line with CISPR 16-1-1: 200 Hz, 9 KHz, 120 kHz and 1 MHz
  • 6 dB bandwidth in line with MIL-STD-461 and DO-160: 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz and 1 MHz

Standard-compliant results for pulses with a repetition frequency of 10 Hz and more.

Filter shapes
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Filter shapes

Shown are the shapes for 3 kHz and 10 kHz measurement bandwidth with –3 dB definition points and 9 kHz measurement bandwidth with –6 dB definition points

FFT based time domain scan

Time domain scan speeds up measurements

  • Significant increase in measurement speed compared to conventional methods
  • Reliable detection of narrowband, intermittent disturbance signals or isolated pulses with increased measurement time

Bargraph and scan display with time domain scan
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Bargraph and scan display with time domain scan

The R&S®ESRP performs disturbance voltage measurements with quasi-peak and average weighting in a matter of seconds.

Powerful measurement and analysis functions

  •  Automatic test sequences with preview measurement, data reduction and final measurement  
  • Simultaneous display of up to six traces and four bargraphs
  • Preset antenna factors and user-created transducer sets  
  • EMI limit line library for commercial standards, with convenient editor
  • Remote controlled measurements and automated EMI test routines using R&S®ELEKTRA software  
  • IF analysis and extensive analysis capabilities for general laboratory applications 
  • Tracking generator

IF analysis display feature (example)
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IF analysis display feature (example)

Continuous spectral display (top) at marker position using the IF analysis function. The marker can be set in the stored results (bottom) of a preview scan.

Convenient operation

  •  Touch user interface with undo/redo functions
  •  Straightforward scan table
  •  Integrated online help
  •  Storage of results and instrument settings to internal or external media
  •  Removable hard disk drive (HDD) or solid-state drive (SSD) to keep test data confidential
  •  Remote control via GPIB or LAN
  •  Drivers for LabView, LabWindows/CVI, VXI Plug & Play
  •  Free firmware updates – always in step with new developments

Scan table definition
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Scan table definition

Definition of ranges 1 and 2. All frequency segments of all ranges (up to 10) are automatically measured using the individual range settings. 

 Ideal also for mobile use

  • Robust and compact design with optional ruggedized housing (R&S®FSV-B1)
  • DC supply for field use (R&S®FSV-B30) and external battery pack (R&S®FSV-B32)
  • Removable solid-state drive (SSD) for high vibration and shock loading (R&S®ESRP-B18)

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R&S®ESRP with handle (front view)

Available models

Available models
Frequency range

R&S®ESRP3 EMI Test Receiver

Order Number 1316.4500.03

Frequency range
 9 kHz to 3.6 GHz

R&S®ESRP7 EMI Test Receiver

Order Number 1316.4500.07

Frequency range
9 kHz to 7 GHz

Available options


Order Number 1310.9500.02


Ruggedized Housing


Order Number 1316.4700.02


Preselection and RF Preamplifier


Order Number 1310.9522.02


OCXO, precision reference frequency


Order Number 1310.9522.03


OCXO, precision reference frequency stability


Order Number 1310.9545.02


Tracking Generator 100 kHz to 4 GHz/7 GHz


Order Number 1310.9551.03


External Generator Control


Order Number 1316.3555.03


Spare solid state drive (SSD, removable)


Order Number 1316.3561.03


Spare Hard Disk Drive (HDD, removable)


Order Number 1310.9600.02


Preamplifier, 9 kHz to 4 GHz/7 GHz


Order Number 1316.4880.02


Frequency Extension 10 Hz, including EMI bandwidths in decade steps


Order Number 1310.9897.02


DC Power Supply for 12 V/24 V supply voltage


Order Number 1321.3750.02


Lithium-Ion Battery Pack

(requires R&S®FSV-B30 and R&S®FSV-B34)

General analysis

Order Number 1316.4639.02


Time Domain Scan


Order Number 1316.4897.02


IF Analysis

General accessories

Order Number 1096.3248.00


19" rack adapter

For mounting a 7/8 19" housing with 4 RU in a standard 19" rack

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