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103 Resultados
R&S®FSH handheld spectrum analyzer: the all-in-one handheld platform for installation and maintenance in the field. It has a frequency range from 9 kHz to 3.6/4/8/13.6/20 GHz. Models with and without an internal tracking generator and VSWR bridge are available.
The ESL is a compact, cost-effective measuring receiver. It includes all of the functions, bandwiths and weighting detectors that are needed to make EMC measurements in accordance with commercial standards.
In combination with Rohde & Schwarz spectrum analyzers, the R&S®TS-EMF measurement system detects high-frequency electromagnetic fields in the environment (EMF).
Microwave handheld directional antenna for locating transmitters and interference sources in the frequency range 20 MHz to 20 GHz.
Basic handheld directional antenna for locating transmitters and interference sources in the frequency range from 8 kHz to 20 GHz.
The universal reference receiver for digital and analog TV and radio. Provides high measurement precision and extensive measurement functions.
Models: R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH13, R&S®FSH13, R&S®FSH20, R&S®FSH20
The R&S®ETC compact TV analyzer offers a comprehensive set of measurement functions for DVB-T2, DVB-T/DVB-H and ISDB-T digital TV transmitter testing.
Models: R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH13, R&S®FSH13, R&S®FSH20, R&S®FSH20
Models: R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH4, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH8, R&S®FSH13, R&S®FSH13, R&S®FSH20, R&S®FSH20
FSH4Remote es un programa gratuito para conectar el analizador de espectro de mano R&S®FSH4/8 o el analizador de espectro R&S®FSC a un ordenador remoto y para controlar de forma remota las funciones desde el ordenador.
feb 09, 2012 | N.º de nota de aplicación 1MA180
Esta nota de aplicación explica cómo realizar mediciones LTE de estación base por aire (OTA) con el analizador de espectro de mano R&S®FSH4/8/13/20.
sept 12, 2013 | N.º de nota de aplicación 1EF87
Esta nota de aplicación explica cómo detectar, caracterizar, encontrar y documentar fuentes de interferencia en redes celulares con el analizador de espectro R&S®FSH.
oct 21, 2014 | N.º de nota de aplicación 1EF89
R&S®FSH Handheld Spectrum Analyzer - Specifications
R&S®FSH 频谱分析仪坚固耐用,方便携带,适合在现场使用。重量轻、设计简单且构思严密的操作理念以及广泛的测量功能使其成为需要高效户外测量工作用户不可或缺的工具。
R&S®FSH Handheld Spectrum Analyzer - Fact Sheet Folletos y fichas técnicas
R&S ® FSH The all-in-one handheld measuring instrument for field work -Flyer
R&S®FSH Handheld Spectrum Analyzer - Product Brochure Folletos y fichas técnicas Product brochure
Medición de ROE en sistemas de 75 Ω con el analizador de TV R&S<sup>®</sup>FSH3-TV
mar 01, 2008 | N.º de nota de aplicación 7BM72
R&S FSH Handheld Spectrum Analyzer - Specifications
FSH3-TV: Computer Based Training with English audio Demostración Computer Based Training
FSH3-TV: Computer Based Training with English audio Demostración Computer Based Training
FSH3-TV: Computer Based Training with English audio Demostración Computer Based Training
FSH3-TV: Computer Based Training with English audio Demostración Computer Based Training
Medida de distancia al fallo (DTF) en sistemas de 75 ohmios con el R&S®FSH3-TV
sept 21, 2006 | N.º de nota de aplicación 7BM60
Here you will find bargains like the latest generation test and measurement instruments which have been used by our sales teams for demonstration, training and loan.