R&S®MP007 Portable direction finding system

Compact and extremely precise

R&S®MP007 Portable direction finding system
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R&S®MP007 Portable direction finding system
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R&S®MP007 Portable direction finding system
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R&S®MP007 Portable direction finding system
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R&S®MP007 Portable direction finding system
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R&S®MP007 Portable direction finding system
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R&S®MP007 Portable direction finding system
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R&S®MP007 Portable direction finding system, Front view R&S®MP007 Portable direction finding system, Front view R&S®MP007 Portable direction finding system, Front view R&S®MP007 Portable direction finding system, Front view R&S®MP007 Portable direction finding system, Front view R&S®MP007, Application Image R&S®MP007, Application Image

Key Facts

  • Outstanding DF accuracy in compact design
  • Wide frequency range from 20 MHz to 6 GHz (DF mode)
  • Realtime position fixing for detected transmitters through networking
  • Extended operating time thanks to high-power battery
  • Integration into existing Rohde&Schwarz DF systems

Portable Direction Finding System

Compact and extremely precise

The R&S®MP007 direction finding system is based on the R&S®DDF007 portable direction finder or R&S®PR200 portable monitoring receiver in combination with the R&S®ADDx07 compact DF antennas. The result is a unique combination of functionality and performance in a system of this size. It can be used as a stationary or mobile DF station or as a portable manual direction finder, and can be reconfigured within minutes to meet the requirements of the current situation.
The R&S®MP007 comes with a wide range of powerful software options and add-ons, making it an excellent choice for all applications that call for a compact and flexible yet powerful DF system.

Features & benefits

Flexible and easy to use

All of the system components are integrated into a rugged, sealed hard shell case to withstand challenging environments and weather conditions.
Stationary operation of the system is possible in situations where it is necessary to temporarily monitor a specific area. The system is placed on the ground and fixed with guy ropes.
The R&S®MP007 can also be deployed on the march. The operator carries the backpack on his back and operates the system wireless via a small handheld PC or tablet.

Components of the R&S®MP007 portable direction finding system
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Components of the R&S®MP007 portable direction finding system

Inside view of the R&S®MP007 with the R&S®DDF007, electronic power supply, BB2590 250Wh battery pack and the WLAN access point.

Comprehensive control and system software

Different R&S®RAMON software modules are used to control the system The basic software package includes:

  • R&S®RAMON basic module
  • R&S®DDF007-CTL or R&S®PR200 control software
  • R&S®Locate radiolocation module
  • R&S®MapView geographic information software
  • R&S®AllAudio integrated digital audio software
The system's functional range can be extended with R&S®CA100 signal analysis software, for example, makes it possible
to monitor, demodulate and decode digitally modulated signals.

Immediate position fixing in networked operation

When it is necessary to determine the exact location of an emission, multiple R&S®MP007 systems can be wirelessly connected to a radiolocation system.
In networked operation, one R&S®MP007 can be defined as the master station to remotely control the other stations. DF data is obtained by continuous queries (e.g. with WiMAX™ connections) or single queries (e.g. with tactical radio). The DF results reported by the stations are converted into locations by  the master station and displayed on a map.

R&S®MP007 - deployed operation
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R&S®MP007 - deployed operation

R&S®MP007 in a deployed operation with R&S®ADD307 on a tripod

Integrated, fast wideband receiver

In the IF panorama mode, the R&S®MP007 fully displays signals up to a bandwidth of 40 MHz when operated with the R&S®PR200. The waterfall display can additionally be activated to visualize signal behavior versus time. It can be equipped with the panorama scan option. This enables fast scanning at speeds of up to 44 GHz/s to obtain a quick spectrum overview.
Signals are demodulated with a bandwidth of up to 1 MHz and outputs them as I/Q data. The I/Q data is output via the  ethernet interface to  the signal analysis software. The powerful R&S®CA100 PC‑based signal analysis and
processing software, which runs on the control computer,
can be used in receive mode to analyze, classify, demodulate
and decode signals with different types of modulation.
The I/Q data is output via the radio direction finder's
Ethernet interface to the PC running the signal analysis

R&S®CA100 PC‑based signal analysis and processing software
Abrir Lightbox

R&S®CA100 PC‑based signal analysis and processing software

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Premio: 1 osciloscopio digital R&S®RTB2000

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* “fast delivery” inside 7 working days applies to the Rohde & Schwarz in-house procedures from order processing through to available ex-factory to ship.