R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications

R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications, Side view R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications, Front view R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications, Front view R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications, Back view R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications, Front view R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications, Front High R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications, Front High R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications, Side view R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications, Side view R&S®Series5200 ATC radios for voice and data communications, Back view

Key Facts

  • Compatible with IP-VCS: supports ED-137 A, B and C
  • Multiple ethernet interfaces for flexible integration
  • Secure by design: network separation down to the core
  • Maintenance free with automatic oscillatior calibration
  • Fast and error free radio replacement with R-ID card

Brief description

The compact S5200 radios combine a secure and flexible architecture with excellent RF performance for reliable ATC communications.

The R&S®Series5200 is an advanced and fully integrated network element that provides a radio connection to the aircraft for voice or data ATC communications.
It requires almost no scheduled maintenance. The comprehensive remote control capabilities and an extremely simplified radio replacement concept dramatically decrease the need for intervention by highly qualified engineering personnel at the radio stations.
The R&S®Series5200 is part of CERTIUM, an advanced ATC communications suite that increases safety and efficiency beyond existing standards. CERTIUM Radios, are the perfect match for CERTIUM VCS and CERTIUM Management.

Features & benefits

Integration flexibility

Multiple network interfaces for full integration flexibility

Six Ethernet interfaces ensure full integration flexibility in diverse system configurations. With a simple configuration, the R&S®Series5200 radio can manage the network traffic of up to three separate networks, e.g. main and backup voice networks and the monitoring network. Each network can be configured separately to match the requirements of different infrastructures.

Multiple Ethernet ports
Abrir Lightbox

Multiple Ethernet ports

Five Ethernet ports on the rear panel of the radio are available for remote connections. One interface on the front is dedicated to local configuration.

Intuitive and easy to use

Web based interface for intuitive and easy configuration

The R&S®Series5200 radios are configured using a secure, modern, user-friendly, browser-based graphical user interface (webGUI). Access to the webGUI is secured by an https connection. It can be accessed either locally via the maintenance port on the front panel or remotely over the available IP connections. For efficient deployment planning of the radio stations, the configuration of the radios can be easily exported, imported and edited offline.

WebGUI in dark mode
Abrir Lightbox

WebGUI in dark mode

The R&S®Series5200 radios are configured using a secure, modern, user-friendly, browser-based graphical user interface (webGUI).

Reduced operational and lifetime costs

Maintenance free operation with automatic oscillator calibration

Although the S5200 radios are provided with a high-performance reference oscillator, periodic calibration may still be necessary. If an NTP time server is available in the system, the radio automatically compensates for the aging effects of the oscillator, making the R&S®Series5200 radio a maintenance free device.

Abrir Lightbox

Quick and easy replacement

Fast and error free radio replacement with R-ID card

In the unlikely event that a R&S®Series5200 radio needs to be replaced at the radio station, it can be very quickly replaced without any radio specific knowledge and without any possibility of mistakes. If a radio needs to be replaced, simply extract the R-ID card from the faulty radio and plug it into the spare radio. The correct software, configuration and options are loaded and the spare radio is immediately ready for operation.

Radio-ID card slot at bottom right of rear
Abrir Lightbox

Radio-ID card slot at bottom right of rear

The removable radio identity (R-ID) card in the radio hosts the radio’s software, configuration and options.

Secure by design

True network separation down to the core

The innovative R&S®Series5200 architecture with ist advanced multicore hardware – combined with sophisticated software isolation techniques – provides redundant and fully independent connectivity to main and backup networks. Any security issue appearing on one network will neither impair the operation of the radio nor affect the performance of the other networks, resulting in increased resilience of the entire radiocommunications system.

True network separation down to the core
Abrir Lightbox

True network separation down to the core

Available options


VHF/UHF coaxial dipole antenna – monitoring or communications in the frequency range between 100 MHz and 2 GHz, for stationary or mobile applications, also onboard ships.


VHF coaxial dipole antenna, monitoring and communications in the frequency range from 100 MHz to 174 MHz, for stationary and mobile use, also on board ships.


UHF coaxial dipole antenna, monitoring or communications in the frequency range from 225 MHz to 450 MHz, for stationary and mobile use, also onboard ships.

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