R&S®DDF1GTX High speed scanning HF direction finder

R&S®DDF1GTX High speed scanning HF direction finder
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®DDF1GTX High speed scanning HF direction finder
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®DDF1GTX High speed scanning HF direction finder
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®DDF1GTX High speed scanning HF direction finder
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®DDF1GTX High Speed Scanning HF Direction Finder, Front view R&S®DDF1GTX High Speed Scanning HF Direction Finder, Front view R&S®DDF1GTX High Speed Scanning HF Direction Finder, Side view R&S®DDF1GTX High Speed Scanning HF Direction Finder, Back view

Key Facts

  • Fastest DF measurement speed thanks to N-channel architecture
  • Frequency range 300 kHz to 30 MHz
  • Maximum realtime bandwidth of 30 MHz
  • Wideband super-resolution as option
  • Exclusively used with the R&S®ADD011SRX super-resolution HF DF antenna

Extremely fast and accurate direction finding

The R&S®DDF1GTX high-speed scanning HF direction finder allows parallel direction finding of all signals across the entire HF range, ensuring the fastest speed while delivering outstanding DF accuracy, sensitivity and immunity to reflections. The optional super-resolution DF method in conjunction with the optional beamforming1) makes the direction finder ideal for complex signal scenarios.
1) Available on request

Features & benefits

Scan speed and POI

Fastest scan speed and highest probability of intercept

  • N-channel architecture with 9 coherent receive channels 
  • 30 MHz realtime bandwidth
  • Parallel measurement of all signals across the HF range in just one test step

Detection Sensitivity

Exceptionally high detection sensitivity

  • Particularly low digital inherent noise through use of high bit depth in digital signal processing
  • Particularly high adjustable channel resolution

Short-duration signals

Accurate & reliable location of short-duration signals

  • Synchronization of multiple R&S®DDF1GTX for time-synchronized DF scan mode
  • Integrated GPS module as a high-precision time and frequency reference
  • Optional preclassifier for detecting LPI signals and summarizing individual DF results into a condensed result

Wideband super-resolution

  • Direction finding for co-channel signals
  • Optional wideband super-resolution
  • Maximum performance

Signal analysis

Signal analysis in parallel with direction finding

  • Output of I/Q data for parallel signal analysis with R&S®CA120

Available models

Available models


Order Number 4200.0008.02

High speed scanning HF direction finder with AC power supply (frequency range from 8 kHz to 30 MHz and 30 MHz real-time bandwidth)

Available options

Software options

Order Number 4200.3607.02


Super resolution

Direction finding for co-channel signals


Order Number 4200.3688.02


ITU measurements

Signal measurements in line with ITU recommendations


Order Number 4200.3620.02


Time synchronization

Time synchronisation for triangulation networks


Order Number 4200.4026.02


Adaptation to customer specific HF DF antennas

Operation with selected non-Rohde&Schwarz correlative interferometer HF DF antennas arranged in a circular array

Direction finding antennas

Order Number 4200.5000.05


N-channel super-resolution HF DF antenna

300 kHz to 30 MHz; horizontal, vertical and circular polarization; stationary; switchable antenna elements; circular array with 100 m diameter

Order Number 4200.5000.15


N-channel super-resolution HF DF antenna

300 kHz to 30 MHz; horizontal, vertical and circular polarization; stationary; switchable antenna elements; circular array with 50 m and 150 m diameter

Order Number 4200.5000.25


N-channel super-resolution HF DF antenna

300 kHz to 30 MHz; horizontal, vertical and circular polarization; stationary; switchable antenna elements; circular array with 50 m diameter

Cable sets for DF antennas

Order Number 4101.4006.02


N-channel antenna cable set

length: 2 m


Order Number 4101.4006.05


N-channel antenna cable set

length: 5 m


Order Number 4101.4006.30


N-channel antenna cable set

length: 30 m 


Order Number 4101.4006.15


N-channel antenna cable set

length: 150 m 


Order Number 4101.4006.25


N-channel antenna cable set

length: 250 m 

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Premio: 1 osciloscopio digital R&S®RTB2000

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* “fast delivery” inside 7 working days applies to the Rohde & Schwarz in-house procedures from order processing through to available ex-factory to ship.