Standard-compliant test of automotive eCall systems 

Abrir Lightbox
Abrir Lightbox
Abrir Lightbox
Abrir Lightbox
Abrir Lightbox
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®CMW-KA09x, application image R&S®CMW-KA09x, application image R&S®CMW-KA09x, screenshot R&S®CMW-KA09x, screenshot R&S®CMW-KA09x, screenshot R&S®CMW-KA09x, screenshot

Key Facts

  • Standard compliant conformance testing for EU eCall and ERA-GLONASS
  • Extendable with support for next generation eCall over 4G and 5G with the R&S®CMX500
  • Automated test script inclusive DUT automation for common eCall standards with the R&S®CMWrun test sequencer (sample test plans included)
  • eCall PSAP certified by CETECOM

Ensure your eCall system is 100% reliable and rapidly sends alerts for a fast rescue chain that saves lives

Simplifies and accelerates the development and verification of your eCall or next generation eCall (NGeCall) systems


The R&S®CMW500 in combination with the R&S®CMW-KA094/KA095 PSAP eCall options and the R&S®CMX500 in combination with the R&S®CMW-KA098 are a powerful solution for functional testing, standard compliant conformance testing and performance testing for your eCall, NGeCall and ERA-GLONASS modules. The R&S®CMX-KA098 extension for next generation eCall allows you to test future IMS based eCall systems over 4G and 5G. The system does it all in a lab environment, saving time, reducing costs and minimizing field testing.

Features & benefits

The ideal solution for standard-compliant conformance testing

  • Test that your eCall module complies with the standards e.g. CEN, ETSI, GOST-R etc.
  • Verify that the IVS module can trigger an emergency call – automatically and manually
  • Verify eCall data transmissions and the voice connections to the public safety answering point (PSAP)
  • Compare received eCall data (MSD) with expected values
  • Verify GNSS receiver accuracy (GPS, GALILEO, GLONASS etc.) and visualize position results on OpenStreetMaps.
  • Use the R&S®CMW-KA09x remote interface to create your own test applications and scenarios.

Conformance test solution for automotive eCall systems
Abrir Lightbox

Conformance test solution for automotive eCall systems

GNSS receiver tests

  • Static and dynamic GNSS scenario simulations 
  • GNSS position accuracy analysis from MSD - 2D accuracy with threshold definition
  • GNSS performance testing for eCall modules
  • Testing against EU2017/79 Annex VI and UNECE 2016/07 performance criteria
  • GNSS performance testing for ERA-GLONASS modules
  • Testing against GOST-R-55534/33471 performance criteria
  • Assisted GPS (A-GPS) tests with CMW-KA090

GNSS receiver performance test solution
Abrir Lightbox

GNSS receiver performance test solution

Test automation for repeatable test results

  • Sequencer with ready-to-use test script inclusive DUT automation for: 
  • Sample eCall test plans included for.
    • eCall (CEN, ETSI)
    • ERA-Glonass (GOST-R)
    • NGeCall (CEN)
    • K-eCall
  • Just a GUI, no programming, no code compilation
  • Test creation, parameterization, execution and analysis in a single tool
  • Multi-technology sequencer solution for various applications supported by the R&S®CMW family

Feature overview of R&S®CMWrun test sequencer
Abrir Lightbox

Feature overview of R&S®CMWrun test sequencer

Audio performance of eCall systems

  • For optimal call quality between vehicles and first responders
  • Comprehensive test methods for hands-free emergency calls in line with Recommendation ITU-T P.1140
  • Comprehensive testing for hands-free emergency calls from vehicles in line with Recommendation ITU-T P.1140
  • The R&S®CMX500 establishes an RF connection to the head unit.
  • HEAD acoustics labCORE and ACQUA generate, send and receive audio signals and automatically trigger background noise playback for precise synchronization and audio measurements.

Abrir Lightbox

Available options

General analysis

Order Number 1208.4703.02


Enabling test software for eCALL


Order Number 1208.8844.02


Enabling test software for ERA GLONASS


Order Number 1211.2450.02


Enabling test software for 4G-NGeCALL for CMW500


Order Number 1208.7431.02


R&S®CMWrun eCall and A-GNSS applications


Order Number 1222.6639.02


Enabling test software for 4G/5G-NGeCALL for CMX500


Order Number 1222.8348.02


R&S®CMWrun 4G/5G-NG-eCall application for CMX500


Order Number 1211.3733.02


R&S®CMWrun 4G-NG-eCall application for CMW500

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eGuide: Pioneer in NG eCall testing

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