Press releases

Munich nov 15, 2022

Rohde & Schwarz adds LAN models to waveguide thermal power sensors

For precise RF power measurements in V, E and W waveguide bands, Rohde & Schwarz is adding new members to its R&S NRP thermal power sensor family. The new R&S NRPxxTWGN models have LAN interface for more flexible connectivity with TCP/IP technologies, including stand-alone PCs, remote access or cloud systems.

The new R&S NRPxxTWGN thermal power sensors have LAN interface for more flexible connectivity. (Image: Rohde & Schwarz)
The new R&S NRPxxTWGN thermal power sensors have LAN interface for more flexible connectivity. (Image: Rohde & Schwarz)

Since R&S NRPxxTWG thermal power sensors were launched in 2018, they have had the highest precision available for frequencies from 50 GHz to 110 GHz when measuring RF power with WR-10, WR-12, or WR-15 waveguides. All three sensor models cover different frequencies from 50 GHz – 110 GHz in line with waveguide standards and come with a power range from -35 dBm to +20 dBm. The new R&S NRP75/90/110TWGN models are now part of the family, the “N” stands for additional network connectivity.

The LAN interface has a standard RJ45 socket for full network capability, whether connected to a local network consisting of nothing more than a laptop or to any IP address that is accessible for full remote operation. For easy and convenient R&S NRP75/90/110TWGN integration, these models are powered with PoE, eliminating the need for additional DC input. The “N” models also have an 8-pole interface and dedicated cables to connect to standard USB sockets on a PC, selected Rohde & Schwarz instruments, an R&S NRX base unit, or a mobile phone that has the R&S Power viewer mobile app installed.

Typical applications for the new thermal power sensor models include any applications in the unlicensed 60 GHz band, such as V-band radiocommunications and mobile network backhaul, WiGig and aerospace radar. At higher frequencies, the models can cover satellite communications in the 71 GHz to 76 GHz and 81 GHz to 86 GHz bands, automotive radar from 76 GHz to 81 GHz, and applications in the E band. To ensure the validity of measurement results, an accredited calibration certificate is available for all R&S NRPxxTWGN models.

The new R&S NRP75/90/110TWGN power sensors are now available from Rohde & Schwarz.

Press & media contact

Christian Mokry
PR Manager Test & measurement
+49 89 412913052

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Nov 15, 2022
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