FPL Spectrum analyzer

High performance wherever you are

FPL Spectrum analyzer
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FPL Spectrum analyzer
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FPL Spectrum analyzer
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FPL Spectrum analyzer
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FPL Spectrum analyzer
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FPL Spectrum analyzer
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FPL Spectrum analyzer
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R&S®FPL1000 spectrum analyzer, front low R&S®FPL1000 spectrum analyzer, front low R&S®FPL1000 spectrum analyzer, hero view R&S®FPL1000 spectrum analyzer, side view R&S®FPL1000 spectrum analyzer, front low R&S®FPL1000 spectrum analyzer, front low R&S®FPL1000 spectrum analyzer, back low

Key Facts

  • Frequency range 5 kHz to 26.5 GHz
  • SSB phase noise: typ. –108 dBc (1 Hz) at 10 kHz 
  • DANL with preamplifier: typ. –163 dBm from 10 MHz to 2 GHz
  • Lightweight with small footprint
  • 40 MHz analysis bandwidth (option)

Brief description

In RF labs, FPL instruments are indispensable oscilloscopes or multimeters. A single instrument can perform many measurement tasks. FPL analyzers can be used for spectrum analysis, highly accurate power measurements for power sensors and analysis of analog and digitally modulated signals.

Features & benefits

One instrument for multiple applications

A single instrument for a wide variety of measurements

The FPL can be used for spectral measurements, high accuracy power measurements with power sensors and analyzing analog and digitally modulated signals.

Measurement modes
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Measurement modes

The standard FPL base unit supports various advanced spectrum measurement modes

Solid RF performance

Low phase noise and low displayed average noise level

Featuring a phase noise of typ. –108 dBc (1 Hz) at 10 kHz offset (1 GHz carrier), a third-order intercept point of typ. +20 dBm, 1 Hz to 10 MHz resolution bandwidth and typ. The FPL is comparable to higher class analyzers with –163 dBm displayed average noise level. It is ideal for the lab, production and service.

Phase noise measurement
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Phase noise measurement

Simple phase noise measurement with a marker function

Intuitive user interface

As intuitive as a smartphone

The touchscreen can be used to configure and perform measurements. A one-finger swipe across the screen adjusts the center frequency or the reference level. A two-finger swipe can adjust the displayed span or level range.

Multiview of the R&S®FPL1000
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Multiview of the R&S®FPL1000

The sequencer can perform spectrum measurements, adjacent channel power measurements, time domain measurements and spectrogram measurements

Fully portable

It can be used almost everywhere…

The low-weight optional battery pack weighs just 6 kg and can last for three hours of operation together with the carrying bag and shoulder harness let you use the FPL spectrum analyzer from anywhere.

Carrying bag for the FPL1000
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Carrying bag for the FPL1000

Optional FPL1 carrying bag. The R&S®FPL1-B31 battery option allows operation while inside the bag.

Available models

Available models
Frequency range
Phase noise
DANL @ 1 GHz
Max. analysis bandwidth
Instrument type


Order Number 1304.0004.03

Frequency range
5 kHz - 3 GHz
Phase noise
< –108 dBc (1 Hz)
(f = 1 GHz, 10 kHz offset)
DANL @ 1 GHz
< –163 dBm/Hz
Max. analysis bandwidth
40 MHz (FPL1-B40)
Instrument type
Signal and spectrum analyzer


Order Number 1304.0004.07

Frequency range
5 kHz - 7.5 GHz
Phase noise
< –108 dBc (1 Hz)
(f = 1 GHz, 10 kHz offset)
DANL @ 1 GHz
< –163 dBm/Hz
Max. analysis bandwidth
40 MHz (FPL1-B40)
Instrument type
Signal and spectrum analyzer


Order Number 1304.0004.14

Frequency range
5 kHz - 14 GHz
Phase noise
< -108 dBc (1 Hz)
(f=1 Ghz, 10 kHz offset)
DANL @ 1 GHz
< -160 dBm/Hz Pre-amp on
Max. analysis bandwidth
40 MHz (FPL1-B40, and FPL1-B11)
Instrument type
Signal and spectrum analyzer


Order Number 1304.0004.26

Frequency range
5 kHz - 26.5 GHz
Phase noise
<-108 dBc (1 Hz)
(f=1 GHz, 10 kHz offset)
DANL @ 1 GHz
<-160 dBm/Hz Pre-amp on
Max. analysis bandwidth
40 MHz (FPL1-B40, and FPL1-B11)
Instrument type
Signal and spectrum analyzer

Available options

Hardware options

Order Number 1323.1902.02


OCXO accurate reference frequency

High precision frequency reference


Order Number 1323.1883.02


Additional interfaces

Video out, IF out, noise source control, AUX port, connector for R&S®NRP power sensors


Order Number 1323.1925.03


Internal generator up to 3 GHz 


Order Number 1323.1925.07


Internal generator for 7/14/26.5 GHz


Order Number 1323.1890.02


GPIB interface

Additional interface for remote control by GPIB, plug-in unit


Order Number 1323.1619.02


YIG preselector bypass

Enables full 40 MHz bandwidth analysis in frequencies up to 26.5 GHz


Order Number 1353.6660.02


External generator control


Order Number 1304.0427.02


Second hard disk (SSD)

(mounted on PC board)


Order Number 1323.1719.02


RF preamplifier for 3/7.5 GHz.


Order Number 1323.1702.02


RF Preamplifier 14 GHz


Order Number 1323.1777.02


RF Amplifier 26.5 GHz


Order Number 1323.1990.02


1 dB Steps for electronic attenuator


Order Number 1323.1877.02


DC Power supply for 12/24 V supply


Order Number 1323.1725.02


Li-Ion battery pack


Order Number 1323.1931.02


40 MHz analysis bandwidth

Enables the use of 40 MHz bandwidth for R&S®ZNLx-B1 spectrum analysis option

Measurement application options

Order Number 1323.1731.02


AM/FM/PM analog modulation analysis

Modulation analysis for analog (AM, FM, PM) modulated single carrier signals
(For use in ZNL, ZNLx-B1 is required)


Order Number 1323.1754.02


Measurements with R&S®NRP power sensors

Supports R&S®NRP power sensors for power measurements. Requires R&S®ZNLx-B1


Order Number 1323.1831.02


Phase noise measurement application

Order Number 1323.1783.02


EMI measurement application

Finding, classifying and eliminating electromagnetic interference


Order Number 1323.1748.02


Vector signal analysis

The R&S®FPL1-K70 vector signal analysis option is a powerful tool for analyzing individual digitally modulated signals down to the bit level.


Order Number 1323.1625.02


Multi-modulation analysis

The R&S®FPL1-K70M multicarrier modulation analysis application (R&S®FPL1-K70 option required) allows DVB‑S2X signals to be analyzed.


Order Number 1323.1631.02


BER measurements with PRBS data

The R&S®FPL1-K70P is an extension of the R&S®FPL1-K70 vector signal analysis option that allows the measurement of raw bit error rate (BER) on PRBS data up to PRBS23.

PC software

Order Number 1345.1011.06



Brings the experience and power of Rohde & Schwarz signal analysis to PC and cloud


Order Number 1320.7522.06


Vector signal analysis


Order Number 1320.7900.06



Narrowband IoT analysis

Order Number 1345.1105.06



Order Number 1320.7539.06


Analog modulation analysis (AM/FM/φM)

Modulation analysis for AM/FM/φM modulated single carriers


Order Number 1320.7574.06


GSM measurements

GSM/EDGE/ EDGE Evolution


Order Number 1320.7868.06


Transient measurements

Transient analysis


Order Number 1320.7874.06


Transient chirp measurements

Transient analysis, requires R&S®VSE-K60


Order Number 1320.7880.06


Transient hop measurements

Transient analysis, requires R&S®VSE-K60


Order Number 1320.7922.06


OFDM signal analysis


Order Number 1320.7545.06


EUTRA/LTE FDD uplink and downlink measurement application

LTE signal analysis


Order Number 1320.7551.06


EUTRA/LTE advanced and MIMO (downlink)

LTE signal analysis


Order Number 1320.7568.06


EUTRA/LTE TDD uplink and downlink measurement application

LTE signal analysis

Noise sources

Order Number 1338.8008.18


Smart noise source 10 MHz to 18 GHz

Order Number 1338.8008.26


Smart noise source 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz


Order Number 1323.1960.02


Protective hard cover


Order Number 1323.1977.02


Transport bag, transparent cover


Order Number 1323.1683.02


Carrying vest holster


Order Number 1323.1677.02


Spare battery pack


Order Number 1323.1954.02


Rack mount kit (RAL5014 pigeon blue)


Order Number 1323.1954.03


Rack mount kit (RAL5000 violet blue)


Order Number 1353.6648.02


D-Sub cable for TTL-synchronization

Instrument security

Order Number 1323.1290.02


Security write protection for solid-state drive

Application videos

Spectrum analyzers – Designed for you. Not for the hype

Benchtop essentials that combine quality and versatility at a great price. Such fun!

ago 29, 2024

DC Power supplies - Designed for you. Not for the hype

A great range of benchtop DC power supplies that do exactly what they should. Big thumbs up.

giu 25, 2024

Analisi di preconformità EMI condotte con un analizzatore di spettro FPL

Come studiare le emissioni condotte di una lampada da 230 V con l'applicazione di misura EMI. Il sistema di misura comprende l'analizzatore di spettro FPL equipaggiato con l'opzione R&S®FPL1-K54 e la rete di stabilizzazione R&S®ENV216.

ago 15, 2021

Misura del guadagno e della figura di rumore con l'analizzatore di spettro FPL

L'analizzatore di spettro FPL, equipaggiato con l'opzione R&S®FPL1-K30, permette di misurare il valore del guadagno e della figura di rumore di vari tipi di componenti, quali gli amplificatori a basso rumore (LNA).

feb 16, 2019

Demodulazione analogica utilizzando l'analizzatore di spettro FPL

L'analizzatore di spettro FPL, equipaggiato con l'opzione R&S®FPL1-K7, permette di demodulare i segnali analogici modulati in AM, FM e PM. L'opzione R&S®FPL1-K7 è ideale per la risoluzione dei problemi sui trasmettitori AM e FM, per caratterizzare i fenomeni transitori degli oscillatori e per effettuare in modo semplice analisi sui segnali impulsivi con modulazioni chirp o a onda continua.

feb 16, 2019

Analizzatore di spettro e segnali portatile di semplice utilizzo

L'analizzatore di spettro FPL di Rohde & Schwarz supporta moltissime applicazioni, come le misure di potenza e l'analisi di segnali modulati, digitali e analogici. L'analizzatore FPL è uno strumento portatile e facile da utilizzare, ideale per svolgere tutte le attività di misura quotidiane.

feb 16, 2019

Demodulazione digitale di un segnale Bluetooth LE utilizzando l'analizzatore di spettro FPL

In questo video viene illustrata un'analisi dettagliata di un segnale Bluetooth LE misurando diversi parametri, tra cui la qualità della modulazione e l'errore di frequenza.

feb 12, 2019

Spectrum & Vector network analyzer promotion

Spectrum & Vector network analyzer promotion

Widest variety of fully equipped products up to 36% off.

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