Key Facts
- Up to 10 GHz RF modulation bandwidth
- ARB with up to 8 GSample memory
- IF output from 11 GHz to 21 GHz
- Wideband direct DAC, differential and single-ended analog I/Q outputs
- Full integration with R&S®FE110ST and R&S®FE170ST frontends
Key Facts
The R&S®SFI100A wideband IF vector signal generator satisfies bandwidth needs for demanding applications such as early 6G research, millimeter-wave WLAN and automotive radar. The compact instrument has a very wide RF modulation bandwidth of up to 10 GHz and generates fully calibrated RF signals. The R&S®SFI100A connects seamlessly with the R&S®FE110ST and the R&S®FE170ST up-conversion frontends to cover the frequency range from 70 GHz to 175 GHz. It fully controls a connected frontend and the solution can act as a single instrument. In addition to the RF interface, the R&S®SFI100A also has analog IQ outputs for wideband signal generation in the baseband.
Test at sub-terahertz frequencies, IF and in baseband
The R&S®SFI100A is flexible enough for various test scenarios: IF tests from 11 GHz to 21 GHz and RF tests from 70 GHz to 175 GHz together with the R&S®FE110ST and the R&S®FE170ST external frontends. The R&S®SFI100A offers wideband single-ended, differential and direct DAC analog I/Q signals for baseband tests with best signal quality up to 5 GHz and up to 2 V (Vpp). Flexibility is vital for demanding test setups like those in the early research phases of 6G.
Extensive flexibility for all your test needs
The R&S®SFI100A covers IF tests from 11 GHz to 21 GHz and sub-THz frequencies from 70 GHz to 175 GHz with frontends.
Seamless integration with R&S®FE110ST and R&S®FE170ST frontends
Thanks to full integration and control, the R&S®SFI100A knows the characteristics of a connected R&S®FE110ST or R&S®FE170ST frontend and automatically includes them for calibrated signals at the measurement plane. The setup can seamlessly be extended to cables and connected smart accessories such as bandpass filters and power amplifiers, reducing measurement uncertainty and enhancing measurement fidelity, even in the sub-THz frequency range.
Full frontend integration
The R&S®SFI100A has native frontend support in the firmware for full set-up integration and control from a single interface.
Excellent modulated signal quality
The R&S®SFI100A has unparalleled wideband modulation signal quality. An outstanding EVM of less than –41 dB (< 1 %) is possible over a wide output power range for a 2 GHz-wide 5G NR signal with a 16 GHz center frequency. The modulation quality remains excellent when the R&S®SFI100A is combined with a frontend (see EVM bathtub curve). The outstanding performance lets you test the real performance of the DUT.
EVM for an IEEE 802.11ay signal at 144 GHz
Even at 144 GHz, an outstanding EVM of less than –34 dB (2 %) can be achieved for a 4 GHz wide IEEE 802.11ay signal over a wide power range.
Automation made easy
The R&S®SFI100A can be controlled via all common remote interfaces. Users benefits from help functions for programming automatic test sequence controls. The built-in SCPI macro recorder and code generator supports fast, convenient generation of SCPI program sequences. Code templates help directly generate executable code for MATLAB®, CVI or Python. User-specific templates are also available to minimize the time required for test automation.
SCPI macro recorder and code generator
Context-sensitive help menu to quickly obtain useful additional information.
Fully software-defined option concept
The R&S®SFI100A comes fully calibrated and ready to explore its full hardware capabilities. As test requirements evolve, additional capabilities can be easily activated on site via software keycodes.
The fully software-defined option concept eliminates potential downtime typically required to retrofit instruments with new capabilities. The R&S®SFI100A can be precisely customized to suit the applications at hand and enhanced as needed.
Easily upgrade features with keycodes
The R&S®SFI100A can be easily upgraded via
software keycodes to match evolving needs, making it the perfect 6G companion.
Order Number 1444.3892.02
IF Frequency 16 GHz
Order Number 1444.3405.02
100 MHz, 640 MHz, 1 GHz reference input/output
Order Number 1444.3357.02
Flexible reference input 1 MHz to 250 MHz
Order Number 1444.3363.02
8 GHz ultra low noise reference input/output
Order Number 1444.3311.02
External frontend control
Order Number 1444.3257.02
Baseband generator with ARB, 4 GHz RF bandwidth, 2 GSamples
Order Number 1444.3263.02
Baseband extension to 8 GHz RF bandwidth
Order Number 1444.3434.02
Baseband extension to 10 GHz RF bandwidth
Order Number 1444.3270.02
ARB memory extension to 8 GSamples
Order Number 1444.3286.02
Analog I/Q outputs (single-ended/ differential)
Order Number 1444.3292.02
User-defined frequency response correction
Order Number 1444.3305.02
Crest factor reduction
Order Number 1444.3370.02
5G NR Release 15 (WinIQSIM2™)
Order Number 1444.3386.02
5G NR Release 16 (WinIQSIM2™)
Order Number 1444.3392.02
5G NR Release 17/18 (WinIQSIM2™)
Order Number 1444.3411.02
IEEE 802.11ad (WinIQSIM2™)
Order Number 1444.3428.02
IEEE 802.11ay (WinIQSIM2™)
Order Number 1444.3334.02
Multi carrier CW signal generation (WinIQSIM2™)
Order Number 1444.3328.02
OFDM signal generation (WinIQSIM2™)
Order Number 1444.3340.02
Custom digital modulation (WinIQSIM2™)
Order Number 1444.3911.02
Spare 100G QSFP cable set 0.5 m
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