Key Facts
- Shielding effectiveness > 80 dB
- Customizable antenna configuration
- More interior test space
- Soft close safety mechanism prevents injuries
- Robust design for over 1 million opening and closing cycles
Key Facts
R&S®TS7124 RF shielded boxes enable reliable and reproducible measurements in shielded test environments. The R&S®TS7124 shielded box provides high shielding effectiveness, a good antenna coupling factor and a rugged mechanical design for reproducible results. RF test boxes have been designed not only for product designers or product optimization but also for production lines of wireless devices under test. The soft close feature makes the shielded box safer to operate.
Provides a reliable shielded and repeatable environment for radiated measurements
The RF test boxes have high shielding effectiveness > 80 dB over a wide frequency range, making them ideal for performing tests on modules and devices with radio interfaces in line with a wide variety of standards, such as
5G FR1, ISM, GSM/CDMA2000®/WCDMA, WLAN, GPS, Bluetooth®, WiMAX™ and Zigbee.
Inside the RF test box
The R&S®TS7124 RF test box from Rohde & Schwarz creates a reliable shielded and repeatable environment for radiated measurements
Safety first
To reduce hazard and prevent operator injury, the RF shielded box has a "soft-close" mechanism. This gently closes the door until there is only a small gap of approx. 5 to 10 mm. This gap is typically too small for finger to be caught between the door and the chamber.
Soft close
Soft closing to prevent operator injury
Customized radiation patterns using the antenna ring
The R&S®TS-F24-AR is an optional antenna mounting structure that can be placed inside the RF shielded box. The full antenna ring is compatible with the following antennas and antenna fixtures:
Full antenna ring
Multiple antennas available, suitable for any application
Different antennas
Antenna couplers for diverse technologies: 5G FR1,
Bluetooth®, WiMAX™, Zigbee:
Antennas for different frequency ranges
Multiple antennas available, suitable for any application
Integrated feedthroughs
As an alternative or supplement to radiated RF signals from antennas,
the DUT can be subjected to conducted RF signals via feedthroughs for RF cables. The same is true
for guiding conducted RF signals away from the DUT emitting such signals.
The susceptibility and behavior of the DUT can be monitored via USB or D-Sub feedthrough
connections, which can also be used to send control commands to the DUT.
Different feedthroughs
Multiple integrated and exchangeable RF connectors and filtered feedthroughs
Racks for mounting multiple RF shielded boxes
The R&S®TS-F24-Z1 is an optional rack mounting kit. It is used to mount
the R&S®TS7124 in a standard 19'' rack, it requires 10 HU (17.5'' or
444.5 mm).
The rack mounting kit allows the RF Shielded Box to be securely mounted to a standard 19''
R&S®TS8997 with R&S®TS7124M
The R&S®TS7124M integrated into a 19" rack provides the R&S®TS8997 wireless measurement system with radiated signals from the DUT
Rugged design for long life
A rugged mechanical design helps generate reliable and reproducible results, gibing the RF shielded box a long lifetime.
Shielded RF test chamber
R&S®TS7124AS shielded RF test chamber
Order Number 1525.8587.12
Order Number 1525.8564.02
Order Number 1525.8670.02
Broadband Spiral Antenna Coupler
(300 MHz to 6 GHz)
Order Number 1525.8964.02
Vivaldi antenna, 0.7 GHz to 18 GHz
Order Number 1525.8970.02
Vivaldi antenna, 2.4 GHz to 18 GHz
Order Number 1525.8987.02
Cross polarized Vivaldi antenna, 1.7 GHz to 18 GHz
Order Number 1525.8793.02
Narrow-Band ISM Antenna, 700 MHz to 960 MHz
Order Number 1530.8446.02
Low frequency RFID antenna, 20 KHz to 1 MHz
Order Number 1525.8906.02
Antenna Ring
Order Number 1525.8887.02
Half Antenna Ring
Order Number 1530.5999.02
Half Antenna Ring
with three built-in R&S®TS-F24-V1 antennas
Order Number 1530.5999.04
Half Antenna Ring
with three built-in R&S®TS-F24-V2 antennas
Order Number 1530.6008.02
Antenna Ring
with three built-in R&S®TS-F24-V1 antennas
Order Number 1530.6008.04
Antenna Ring
with three built-in R&S®TS-F24-V2 antennas
Order Number 1525.8893.02
Antenna Holder
for one Vivaldi antenna
Order Number 1525.8893.12
Antenna Holder
with a built-in R&S®TS-F24-V1 antenna
Order Number 1525.8893.22
Antenna Holder
with a built-in R&S®TS-F24-V2 antenna
Order Number 1525.8758.02
for additional tilt of the Vivaldi antennas
Order Number 1530.8430.02
Magnetic Helmholtz coil (automotive)
Order Number 1525.8870.02
Additional RF Feedthrough, 2 × N-SMA
Order Number 1530.1058.02
Additional RF Feedthrough, 4 × SMA-SMA
Order Number 1525.8864.02
Fiber-Optic Feedthrough, 4 × FSMA
Order Number 1525.8735.02
USB 2.0 Filtered Feedthrough
Order Number 1525.8729.02
Order Number 1525.8835.02
D-Sub Filtered Feedthrough, D-Sub 25 and D-Sub 9
Order Number 1525.8858.02
Pneumatic Feedthrough
Order Number 1526.4840.02
Power Filter, 100 V to 240 V AC
Order Number 1525.8664.02
DUT Holder
Order Number 1526.6942.02
19" Rackmounting Kit
Order Number 1525.8712.03
Switch Box
Manufacturer's recommended retail price (MSRP). The price shown does not include VAT. Prices and offers are only intended for entrepreneurs and not for private end consumers.
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1. Il concorso a premi “10 anni di oscilloscopi Rohde & Schwarz” (di seguito il “Concorso”) è organizzato da Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, Mühldorfstraße 15, 81671 Monaco di Baviera, Germania, Tel. +49 89 41 29 0 (di seguito “R&S).
2. Tutti i partecipanti possono registrarsi al concorso dal 1 gennaio 2020 al 31 dicembre 2020 comunicando il loro nome, azienda e indirizzo e-mail lavorativo.
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Premio: 1 oscilloscopio digitale R&S®RTB2000
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* “fast delivery” inside 7 working days applies to the Rohde & Schwarz in-house procedures from order processing through to available ex-factory to ship.