R&S®CMWcards - Features at a glance

Save time during testcase creation using more than 200 cards that can be flexibly combined to create any possible combination of signaling and application test scenarios.

CMWcards offers more than 300 free of charge example tests to speed up creation of regression and stress test campaigns which helps to accelerate the integration test and launch of your mobile device.

Flexible Network Configuration

  • Easy Network and Neighbour cell setup for LTE, WCDMA, GSM and WLAN
  • Roaming configurations to simulate real life roaming scenarios in the lab
  • Multiple cell deployments using CMW500 single instrument or by combining multiple CMW500s
  • Stepwise cell power changes
  • Measurement Report Evaluations
  • UE capability checks

Mobility tests

  • LTE – LTE intraband and interband cell selections/handovers
  • LTE – WCDMA – GSM – WLAN Inter-RAT procedures
  • LTE – WLAN offloading scenarios (traffic offload)
  • Voice centric mobility scenarios such as CSFB (Circuit Switched Fallback) or SRVCC (Single Voice Call Continuity) from LTE to legacy technologies


Circuit Switched Fallback
Single Radio Voice Call Continuity
Alerting SRVCC
SRVCC before ringing
Reverse SRVCC

Simulation of network failures

  • Supports variety of network failure scenarios
  • Network Attach/Registration Reject
  • Handover Failures, Link Failures
  • LTE Service Reject and PDN Connectivity Reject
  • Out of coverage simulations
  • Comprehensive reject causes

Network Reject scenarios with possible reject causes

LTE advanced carrier aggregation testing and data throughput

  • All 3GPP defined LTE bands, bandwidths and frequency ranges supported (FDD and TDD)
  • Best carrier aggregation combination testing in the market
  • Support of LTE-U (LE in unlicensed band)
  • Support of bands and frequencies above 3.3 GHz
  • FDD and TDD joint operation
  • Up to 5CC downlink carrier aggregation
  • Support of data rates beyond 1 Gbps
  • Onboard data application unit for traffic simulation and data servers such as IPerf, FTP, Video streaming, webservers
  • DNS Server for routing traffic to real internet services or company servers
  • IP Network impairments to simulate QoS parameters/criteria

IMS and VoLTE capabilities

  • IMS VoLTE Call (Audio, Video) incl. Audio/Video codecs incl. Authentication, Integrity and Encryption
  • IMS VoWiFi Call (WLAN Calling)
  • IMS Call Offload (LTE --> WLAN)
  • Emergency Call (incl. Emergency Registration)
  • SMS over IMS
  • Failure cases and IMS registration reject causes
  • Virtual subscribers to simulate multiple call participants
  • Supplementary Services (Call Hold, Waiting, Barring, Forwarding, Conference Calls)

Cards Message Sequence Chart (MSC) shows Layer 3 (RRC and NAS) as well as IMS SIP message flow

Testing Public Warning System features

  • GUI-based public warning system (PWS) broadcast simulation for CMAS and ETWS
  • Unique PWS mobile handset test solution based on the R&S®CMW500 wideband radio communication tester
  • Support for a variety of cellular technologies including LTE, WCDMA and GSM
  • Creation of CMAS and ETWS messages graphically and triggering of the warning message in any cellular signaling scenario
  • Full flexibility in message parameterization
  • Several character types supported (e.g. Chinese, Korean and Japanese)

Extensive parameterisation of CMAS or ETWS messages incl. language type (e.g. Chinese, Korean, Japanese)

eMBMS (evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service)

  • CMW500 includes all BM-SC (broadcast multicast service center) service layer features for full eMBMS device verification
  • CMWcards test scripts are suitable for both eMBMS UE C-plane (signaling) and U-plane (user data) middleware testing
  • Independent R&S eMBMS mini service layer inside CMW500 for all required eMBMS features just as:
    >> PDN gateway multicast routing
    >> FLUTE
    >> Service Announcements
    >> DASH video streaming
    >> (dynamic adaptive streaming based on available datarate)
    >> PCAP or IP replay possible
  • Flexible configuration to adapt network operator settings in the lab

LBS (Location Based Services)

  • Simulate AGNSS satellite systems within CMWcards test cases
  • GPS, GLONASS and Beidou
  • Can optionally be combined with system simulator R&S SMBV for dynamic scenarios or hybrid constellation
  • Useful to check e.g. location capabilities of the mobile device
  • e911 emergency call tests for North American operators

Further information

R&S®CMW500 - Platform overview

Informazioni sul prodotto

Flyer: R&S®CMW500 Platform

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Flyer: R&S®CMWcards

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Flyer: R&S®CMW-KT021/R&S®CMW-KT023 CMWmars

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