5 Risultati
Descrizione della larghezza di banda di demodulazione di 20 MHz per la misura del livello con il ricevitore per il monitoraggio R&S®EB500.
ott 09, 2012
R&S EB500 Monitoring Receiver - Product Brochure Monitoring receiver was specially developed for signal search, radiomonitoring, radio detection and spectrum monitoring in powerful, compact systems.
Ricezione di un segnale multicanale in parallelo utilizzando convertitori digitali di frequenza in un ricevitore per il monitoraggio.
mag 14, 2014
Jun 07, 2022
Rohde & Schwarz launches integrated high-performance antenna system for single-channel direction findersToday, Rohde & Schwarz announced the launch of the high-performance R&S ADD597 direction finding and monitoring antenna system. It is a key element in fixed, mobile and transportable spectrum monitoring stations. Combined with a single-channel direction finder, R&S ADD597 delivers reliable measurement results even in dense spectrum environments. It covers the frequency range from 20 MHz to 8.5 GHz (vertical polarization) and 20 MHz to 7.5 GHz (horizontal polarization).
Monitoring receivers must meet certain requirements to be used in a TDOA-based radiolocation system. This application brochure describes these requirements as well as other parameters that are of interest when selecting sensors.