Global network benchmarking projects

Global network benchmarking projects

Get QoE-centric network insights, make decisions with confidence

Rohde & Schwarz enables customers on a global scale to improve the quality and performance of mobile networks by offering tailored and end-to-end mobile network testing services. Our experts realize QoE-centric network benchmarking campaigns, generate deep insights, and build the foundation for systematic network optimization. Our insights into mobile networks show the status of the roll-out of new technologies and services and reveal the network operator's competitive ranking – fully transparent and globally comparable. On this basis, we also offer independent certifications to support public claims.

By realizing our own network benchmarking projects with partners or commissioned by our customers, we build and develop sustainable network intelligence based on extensive data of mobile networks across the globe. Our fully transparent, network infrastructure-independent and ETSI harmonized methodology (TR 103 559) named Network Performance Score allows unrestricted comparison of mobile networks across countries and continents.

With our unique expertise and network intelligence, we empower customers to make strategic business decisions with confidence and secure and increase the value of their business.

Get in touch with our experts to find out more and discuss about your requirements.

Benchmarking projects

Mobile communication Africa


South Africa based mobile communications company MTN Group, with a presence in 21 African countries and the Middle East, entered into a partnership with Rohde & Schwarz in 2018. Working closely together, the two companies are conducting annual multinational mobile network benchmarking projects. Rohde & Schwarz is supplying all the measurement equipment, technology, testing expertise, analytics services and logistics.

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Network benchmarking projects Africa

2022 network benchmarking

Results of 2022 mobile network benchmarking campaign commissioned by MTN. Find more information about MTN networks which ranked first and attained the best Network Performance Score in 2022.

2021 network benchmarking

Results of 2021 mobile network benchmarking campaign commissioned by MTN. Find more information about networks which ranked first and attained the best Network Performance Score in 2021.

Network benchmarking Canada


Rohde & Schwarz SwissQual AG performed a mobile network benchmarking campaign assessing the quality and performance of Canada's leading mobile network operators. The drive-test based data collection campaign was implemented in 2021 and covered Canada's major cities.



In September 2024, Telia Estonia commissioned Rohde & Schwarz to conduct a nationwide mobile network quality benchmarking campaign, evaluating the performance of the country's three mobile network operators.

Press release

As a result of this measurement campaign, Telia Estonia attained the following certificates:



The Electronic Communications Office of Iceland (ECOI) has selected Rohde & Schwarz mobile network testing to assess and benchmark the performance, coverage and capacity of the country's three mobile network operators. The campaign was intended to ultimately improve the quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) for the end users in Iceland, given the island’s challenging geography and climate. ECOI commissioned Rohde & Schwarz network analytics services to roll out a benchmarking campaign based on an internationally standardized, transparent process based on the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).



In October 2024, Rohde & Schwarz conducted a comprehensive countrywide network benchmarking campaign for Telia Norway, covering challenging environments shaped by Norway’s unique geography.

Press release

As a result of this measurement campaign, Telia Norway attained the following certificates:

Network benchmarking Pakistan


The regulatory authority of Pakistan (PTA) implemented in collaboration with Rohde & Schwarz a national mobile network benchmarking campaign based on the Network Performance Score methodology. The measurement campaign covered Pakistan's major cities, towns and roads and was implemented in 2022. As a result, PTA published a comprehensive mobile network benchmark report.

Network benchmarking Switzerland


Rohde & Schwarz SwissQual AG conducted a mobile network benchmark campaign in Switzerland in 2022, one of the most advanced and competitive markets worldwide. Swisscom achieved the best results overall, but Sunrise users have the best experience for voice services, while Salt takes the lead in the interactivity test.

The benchmark results were processed with the Network Performance Score version 2.0 and in line with ETSI TR 103 559. The fully transparent test methodology compares standardized KPIs of mobile networks, assessed through active large-scale drive and walk tests. The Network Performance Score v2.0 applies more challenging thresholds and weights, especially for developed networks with a dominance of 5G technology.

Network benchmarking


Rohde & Schwarz and the independent wireless industry research experts Signals Research Group (SRG) implemented a 5G network quality benchmarking study in the Dallas area, a major U.S. telecommunications hub, comparing the performance of three tier-1 US mobile network operators. For detailed information please follow the links below.

Benchmarking projects USA

Webinar: Apples to apples 5G network benchmarking - one year later

Webinar: Apples to apples 5G network benchmarking - one year later

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Webinar: Apples to apples benchmarking of 5G networks.

Webinar: Apples to apples benchmarking of 5G networks

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Story: Results of 5G network evaluation for three major US network operators

More information

Article: Fastest isn’t necessarily best: SRG puts three 5G networks to an apples-to-apples test

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