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Find the information you need from Rohde & Schwarz. Search for products, technologies, applications, manuals, datasheets, tutorials, FAQs, and more.
29 Results
Latest generation of stationary radios for both civil and military air traffic control.
R&S®Series4200 Software Defined Radios - Product Brochure
Increasing safety in air traffic control: R&S Series4200 detection of simultaneous transmissions (DSiT) option for air traffic control.
R&S®Series4200 ZS4200 Service and Maintenance Tool - Product Brochure
06-Oct-2020 | Press Release | Defense
Rohde & Schwarz modernizes Bundeswehr air traffic control communicationsRohde & Schwarz air traffic control radios help smooth operations at over 20 German Armed Forces airports and the service’s IT school.
The ATC world is standing before a game changing development in voice communications infrastructure.
22-Mar-2022 | Press Release | Aerospace
Taiwan chooses innovative R&S Series5200 ATC radios from Rohde & SchwarzThe Air Navigation and Weather Services (ANWS) of Taiwan chose Rohde & Schwarz to equip the nation’s airports with reliable communications and the highest level of security in case of emergencies. Rohde & Schwarz has provided a large number of the most innovative air traffic control (ATC) radio on the market, the R&S Series5200, alongside the company’s workhorse, the R&S Series4200 software defined radio, antenna multi-couplers and antennas, and remote control units, all part of CERTIUM, an advanced communications suite for ATC from the microphone to the antenna.
28-Jan-2025 | Press Release | Crititcal Infrastructures
Austro Control and Rohde & Schwarz celebrate successful collaboration in modernizing air traffic communication systemsSuccessful implementation of R&S Series4200 software defined radios from Rohde & Schwarz enables Austro Control to modernize the country's radio stations and enhance air traffic management capabilities.
15-Nov-2021 | Press Release | Aerospace
Rohde & Schwarz provides turnkey communications solutions for UAE customer mobile ATC towersHaving already supplied an UAE customer with radios in the past, Rohde & Schwarz has been chosen again, as the company provided the best solution for the customer. Each mobile ATC tower consists of a cabin equipped with consoles, all installed on a lifting system fixed on a trailer that is fitted to be transportable by a C17 transport aircraft. Each cabin has been designed to accommodate three controller working positions, equipped with R&S Series4200 software defined radios, CERTIUM VCS voice communications system, CERTIUM Management and CERTIUM Gateways.
08-Dec-2020 | Press Release | Aerospace
Rohde & Schwarz delivers IP based ATC communications to ThailandRohde & Schwarz was awarded a contract by AEROTHAI to deliver software defined ATC radios and a remote monitoring and control solution for operation throughout Thailand. CERTIUM R&S RCMS II software on a turnkey basis throughout Thailand. The R&S Series4200 and R&S M3SR Series4400
R&S solutions for ATC radios and voice communications systems for supervisory authorities, airports, air navigation service providers (ANSP) and airlines.
CERTIUM® RADIOS - Mediacenter
CERTIUM® | R&S®KG5x00 System Rack - Product Flyer
Rohde & Schwarz offers comprehensive VoIP systems for air traffic control requirements all around the world. From the microphones to the antennas. More information.
R&S®Series4200 software defined radios for VHF/UHF communications CERTIUM solution alerts the air traffic controller whenever signals from more than one aircraft has been received simultaneously. Reliable voice communications between air traffic controllers and pilots are vital to passenger safety. A lack of communications can jeopardize the safety of a hundred people or more.
R&S®GV4000 Multi-Link Controller High-availability ATC radio system - Data sheet
R&S®KG4200 ATC System Rack - Data sheet
Learn more about all the technological features implemented in the new R&S®Series5200 radio and other CERTIUM® products as well as the long lifetime of the system, which does not require hardware upgrades or updates. The product manager and head of ATC development will provide interesting insights into the product requirements, development and functions.
Based on the experience gained with the successful R&S®Series200 and R&S®Series4200, we have designed the new R&S®Series5200 radio to address current and future requirements. The future-proof hardware design with plentiful HW resources and modern software architecture allows operation for decades without the need for hardware upgrades.
Rohde & Schwarz offers the world's first ATC radios with the ability to detect simultaneous transmissions.
R&S®KG42-Z75 X-Cross Adapter - Data sheet
Taiwan reduces system complexity with R&S®Series5200 radios. Learn more
08-Jul-2020 | Press Release | Aerospace
Rohde & Schwarz upgrades RAAF Air-Ground-Air voice linkRohde & Schwarz contracted for CERTIUM Radios, CERTIUM VCS-4G voice communications system, and CERTIUM management systems 12 Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) ATC facilities.
R&S VCS-4G VoIP for Air Traffic Control (for drilling companies / offshore industry)
11-Oct-2022 | Press Release | Aerospace
Rohde & Schwarz successfully completes RAAF Air Ground Air Transition projectRohde & Schwarz has demonstrated expertise in the AIR5431 Phase 3 project to transform Australian military air traffic management. As a communications systems integrator (CSI) for the Air Ground Air Transition (AGAT) project lead by BAE Systems, Rohde & Schwarz Australia has completed its scope of work in 16 months, despite challenges imposed by the global health crisis.
ATC fixed radio stations for handling communications pertaining to operation and control of aircraft in a given area.
R&S®GB4000V Audio Unit - Product Brochure
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