R&S®QPS Walk2000

Walk-through security scanner

R&S®QPS Walk2000
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R&S®QPS Walk2000
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R&S®QPS Walk2000, front view R&S®QPS Walk2000, application image

Key Facts

  • Walk-through detection of prohibited items
  • AI-based detection of metallic and non-metallic objects
  • No need to remove shoes or clothing
  • For use in areas with high foot traffic
  • 360° full body coverage

Walk-through security scanner

QPS Walk2000

The QPS Walk2000 is a full 360° walk-through security scanner for fast and touchless screening. 
The system operates with extreme low output power in the wide-band frequency range for excellent penetration of multiple layers of clothing, making the time-consuming removal of shoes and clothing unnecessary.
People can walk through the system at a natural pace and with normal posture.
AI-based detection software automatically identifies any material.
The results are displayed in real time on a gender neutral avatar or with LED stripes.
Visible areas such as hands can be masked so that hand-carried items do not trigger an alarm.

Features & benefits

Walk-through screening

Walk-through detection of prohibited items

A person can walk through the scanner at their regular pace and with normal posture, significantly speeding up the screening process. No static position or operator interaction is required.

The R&S®QPS Walk2000 in use.
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The R&S®QPS Walk2000 in use.

360° full body coverage

Complete body scanning

The system architecture allows full 360° body coverage with a high detection rate.

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 R&S®QPS Walk2000

No need to remove shoes or clothing

Enhanced comfort and throughput

The system operates with extreme low output power in the wide-band frequency range for excellent penetration of multiple layers of clothing, making the time-consuming removal of shoes and clothing unnecessary.
Small hand-carried personal items, such as wallets, must not be removed before entering the scanner. Even several layers of clothing will not reduce the detection capability.
Small personal items, such as wallets, mobile phones or keyrings may be carried visibly in the hand and will not trigger an alarm. 

 R&S®QPS Walk2000
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R&S®QPS Walk2000

For use in areas with high foot traffic

Fastest screening solution on the market

Extremely high throughput is one of the greatest advantages of QPS Walk2000 . The system is ideal for mass events or whenever a large number of people need to be screened quickly.

 R&S®QPS Walk2000
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R&S®QPS Walk2000

Detection of any material

AI-based detection of metallic and non-metallic materials 

Combining millimeter wave screening and AI algorithms allows the automatic detection of almost any type of material (metallic, non-metallic, plastic, liquid, granulate, organic, powder, etc). 
Deep learning can specifically train the neural networks on target object classes of any kind, to keep up with evolving threat scenarios or meet specific customer requirements such as those for loss prevention.

 R&S®QPS Walk2000
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R&S®QPS Walk2000

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5. Os prêmios a serem entregues são 1 de 10 R&S®RTB2000, no período de 1º de janeiro de 2020 a 31 de dezembro de 2020:

Prêmio: 1 osciloscópio digital R&S®RTB2000

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