
Real-time service quality monitoring

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SmartMonitor, Screenshot

Key Facts

  • Web based application running on Windows or Linux app server
  • Dashboards providing the latest results of probes in real time
  • Intuitive campaign configuration and fleet operation
  • Fast and easy registering of new QualiPoc probes
  • Tailored user roles for efficient and secure system management

Real-time network service quality monitoring

SmartMonitor manages a fleet of QualiPoc probes placed in critical and strategic locations or deployed in cars, taxis or buses delivering a constant flow of information about the quality of service of a mobile network.
SmartMonitor allows users to monitor each probe in detail and in real time, displaying the results on a customizable dashboard.
SmartMonitor, with its new communications concept towards the probes, is an essential component to cost-effectively monitor service quality status in real time from a true end-user perspective and help reduce operational costs in the field.
Ultimately, SmartMonitor ensures seamless quality of service.

Features & benefits

Fleet management and real-time monitoring

Everything needed under one hood

SmartMonitor is the tool of choice for managing a fleet of probes and monitoring their status and results in real time. 

  • The dashboard on SmartMonitor provides the latest results and probe status in real time. 
  • Intuitive campaign configuration and fleet operation
  • Fast and easy registering of new QualiPoc probes
  • Tailored user roles offer efficient and secure system and fleet management.
  • The alarm and notification interface keeps everyone posted

Real-time, 24/7 problem identification
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Real-time, 24/7 problem identification

SmartMonitor is a future-proof, modular product concept that enables economical large-scale deployments.

Intuitive user interface

The web based user interface is designed for ease of use

SmartMonitor’s web based user interface offers an intuitive way to manage probes, configure test campaigns and monitor service quality in real time. 
Since SmartMonitor is web based, users can access it from anywhere there is an internet connection. 
The UI automatically adapts to the device screen size so users can access SmartMonitor from their smartphones or their office PCs.

Drag & drop job configuration
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Drag & drop job configuration

Job configuration is very intuitive on the SmartMonitor UI. When adding new tests, SmartMonitor shows all possible locations where to insert the test.

Probe management

Fast and easy registering of new probes

SmartMonitor offers a simple and fast way of registering new probes to the server. 
Simply scan the QR code on the probe to register a new smartphone to SmartMonitor.
The connected device reports all its capabilities and licensed options to SmartMonitor. Within minutes, a new probe is ready for running test campaigns.
And probe management allows users to fine-tune the behavior of each probe.

Probe management on SmartMonitor
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Probe management on SmartMonitor

Probe management allows users to define the behavior of probes, including start up & shut down options, event and communication profiles.

Live monitoring

The SmartMonitor live monitoring feature allows users to monitor all parameters on a probe just like they would hold the device in their hands. Information about 

  • Neighbor cells
  • Technology parameters
  • Signaling messages
  • Battery and CPU temperature
and more is presented to the SmartMonitor user in real time.

Live monitoring on SmartMonitor
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Live monitoring on SmartMonitor

Information about all probe and L3 parameters in real time

Events and notification

SmartMonitor comes with a powerful event and notification interface. It immediately informs the user when an event occurs and offers multiple options to notify other users or supervisors.
SmartMonitor users can choose from over 100 parameters to be observed. The probes monitor the parameter(s) and immediately report back to SmartMonitor when the event occurs.

SmartMonitor event map
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SmartMonitor event map

SmartMonitor displays a chart and map showing all events with detailed information

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