R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution

R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution
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R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution
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R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution
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R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution
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R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution
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R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution
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R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution
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R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution, application image R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution, application image R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution, front view R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution, front view R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution, front high R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution, front view R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution, front view

Key Facts

  • Frequency range from 18 GHz to 90 GHz
  • Extremely fast RX list mode
  • For 5G, WLAN IEEE 802.11ad and IEEE 802.11ay as well as automotive radar
  • Fully calibrated antenna module with integrated diode detector
  • Scalable to customer requirements

Designed for extremely accurate over-the-air (OTA) power measurements

The R&S®NRPM is a fully calibrated and individually scalable OTA power measurement solution for benchtop applications or in anechoic chambers. Covering a frequency range from 18 GHz to 90 GHz, it is perfect for over-the-air (OTA) beamforming verification in 5G, WLAN IEEE 802.11ad and IEEE 802.11ay and the calibration of transmit antenna output power.

Features & benefits

Specified system uncertainty

Fully calibrated OTA power measurement system with specified system uncertainty

With conventional OTA systems, measurement uncertainty comes from frequency-dependent antenna gain, antenna patterns and mismatched RF components. By measuring power directly at the antenna, the R&S®NRPM solution avoids this problem because it does not need any additional RF components. Moreover, the antenna gain, antenna pattern and diode detector are calibrated together. The user does not need to make any complicated system calibrations.

OTA power measurement system
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OTA power measurement system

Low-reflection antenna module

Low radar cross section avoids disturbing reflections

The R&S®NRPM-A90 and -A90D antenna modules have a very low radar cross section of typically < –26 dB/sm, putting them about 15 dB/sm below the value of a typical horn antenna. This makes them ideal for screened environments, due to the virtual absence of reflections.

R&S®NRPM-A90 low-reflection antenna module
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R&S®NRPM-A90 low-reflection antenna module

Very high sensitivity

The R&S®NRPM OTA power measurement solution uses a highly sensitive diode detector integrated directly on the antenna

The R&S®NRPM-A90 and R&S®NRPM-A90D antenna modules can measure power down to -76 dBm. For example, a DUT with a transmit power of -10 dBm can be positioned at a distance of 1 m, and  the received power at the antenna module can still be precisely determined.

OTA power measurement solution, benchtop
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OTA power measurement solution, benchtop

System calibration for OTA receiver tests

To test the DUT receiver, it is necessary to know the exact OTA transmitted power at the DUT. To calibrate this measurement setup, the R&S®NRPM-A90 antenna module is positioned at the DUT for the transmit power calibration of the signal generator. The calibration uses an R&S®NRPM-A90/A90D antenna module, which is later replaced with the DUT. The receive power of the DUT is precisely detected.

System calibration for OTA receiver tests
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System calibration for OTA receiver tests

TX beamforming verification

Multiple R&S®NRPM-A90/A90D antenna modules are needed to test the beamforming function. If the antenna beam is directed at a specific antenna module, this module shows the highest power for all the antennas. Three antenna modules – arranged in a plane – are used to verify whether beamsteering in the horizontal plane properly functions. To test vertical beamforming, the R&S®NRPM-A90/A90D antenna modules must be arranged on at least two horizontal planes.

TX beamforming verification
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TX beamforming verification

R&S®NRPM-A90 single polarized antenna
Frequency range 18 GHz to 90 GHz
Power measurement range (frequency dependent) continuous average -76 dBm to -19 dBm
trace -63 dBm to -19 dBm
Rise/fall time 2.2 μs
Video bandwidth 220 kHz
Measurement uncertainty
18 GHz to 24 GHz absolute 0.68 dB to 0.81 dB
relative 0.05 dB to 0.09 dB
> 24 GHz to 35 GHz absolute 0.49 dB to 0.66 dB
relative 0.05 dB to 0.09 dB
> 35 GHz to 57 GHz absolute 0.50 dB to 0.72 dB
relative 0.05 dB to 0.09 dB
> 57 GHz to 71 GHz absolute 0.58 dB to 0.83 dB
relative 0.05 dB to 0.09 dB
> 71 GHz to 81 GHz absolute 0.61 dB to 0.91 dB
relative 0.05 dB to 0.09 dB
> 81 GHz to 90 GHz absolute 0.69 dB to 0.97 dB
relative 0.05 dB to 0.09 dB
R&S®NRPM-A90D dual polarized antenna
Frequency range 18 GHz to 90 GHz
Power measurement range (frequency dependent) continuous average -76 dBm to -19 dBm
trace -63 dBm to -19 dBm
Rise/fall time 2.2 μs
Video bandwidth 220 kHz
Measurement uncertainty (measurement distance 1 m)
18 GHz to 24 GHz absolute 0.73 dB to 0.85 dB
relative 0.05 dB to 0.09 dB
> 24 GHz to 35 GHz absolute 0.55 dB to 0.71 dB
relative 0.05 dB to 0.09 dB
> 35 GHz to 57 GHz absolute 0.59 dB to 0.78 dB
relative 0.05 dB to 0.09 dB
> 57 GHz to 71 GHz absolute 0.68 dB to 0.90 dB
relative 0.05 dB to 0.09 dB
> 71 GHz to 81 GHz absolute 0.72 dB to 0.99 dB
relative 0.05 dB to 0.09 dB
> 81 GHz to 90 GHz absolute 0.87 dB to 1.10 dB
relative 0.05 dB to 0.09 dB

Available options

Antenna modules

Order Number 1426.7760.02


Single-polarized antenna module

Fully calibrated, low-reflection, single-polarized Vivaldi antenna with an integrated diode detector for power


Order Number 1426.7777.02


Dual-polarized antenna module

Two low-reflection, single-polarized Vivaldi antennas with an integrated diode detector, precisely arranged in a right angle. This allows measurement in both polarization directions.

Sensor modules

Order Number 1425.8563.02


Three-channel sensor module


Order Number 1425.8592.02


Three Channel LAN Sensor Module

Interface for shielded RF test box

Order Number 1425.8786.02


Filtered cable feedthrough


Order Number 1436.2984.02


Interface cable

Interface for benchtop application

Order Number 1426.7602.02


Interface module

The R&S®NRPM-Z3 is directly plugged onto the R&S®NRPM3 three-channel sensor module and can host up to three R&S®NRPM-A90 antenna modules to avoid additional cables.

General accessories

Order Number 1419.0658.02


USB-A interface cable, length: 0.75 m


Order Number 1419.0658.03


USB-A interface cable, length: 1.5 m


Order Number 1419.0658.04


USB-A interface cable, length: 3 m


Order Number 1419.0658.05


USB-A interface cable, length: 5 m


Order Number 1419.0664.02


6-pole interface cable, length: 1.5 m


Order Number 1419.0664.03


6-pole interface cable, length: 3 m


Order Number 1419.0664.04


6-pole interface cable, length: 5 m


Order Number 1146.7740.02


USB sensor hub

R&S®NRP-Z5 can host up to 4 R&S®NRPxxS(N), R&S®NRPxxT(N), R&S®NRPxxA(N) or R&S®NRP-Z sensors. A professional trigger solution allows simultaneous internal and external triggering of all connected sensors.


Order Number 1425.8857.02


Trigger cable


Order Number 0240.2187.06


Documentation of calibration values


Order Number 1173.6506.02


Printout of DCV

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