White papers - Shaping the future of ATC

Air traffic management constantly needs to keep pace without making compromises. Safety and security are non-negotiable, and operations must also remain efficient and flexible. Rohde & Schwarz is your trusted partner for secure air traffic communications from the radio to the antenna. Find out more about its innovative solutions for secure and safe ATC communication in the Rohde & Schwarz white papers.

The LDACS air-ground datalink

An essential pillar for the digital transformation of Air Traffic Management

The aim of the white paper is to provide an overview of digital transformation of aviation and with special focus on the necessary supporting CNS technologies.

ANSPs, airlines, CSPs and industry present in this white paper their own perspective, highlighting the importance of LDACS and explaining the role this terrestrial technology must play in supporting the adoption of new operating procedures.

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Digital transformation: leveraging IP benefits in air traffic control

Insights from a decade of VoIP migration expertise

The successful transformation of communications networks gives ANSPs a more powerful end-to-end IP infrastructure for further digital transformation and convergence, since it can carry VoIP and any other data, such as images, videos, operational data or trajectory information. This white paper addresses concrete near-term solutions that allow ANSPs to use air traffic control officer (ATCO) resources in ways that are more flexible and less location-dependent.

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R&S®Series5200 air traffic control radios

Future-proof, reliable, and easy-to-use technology

The R&S®Series5200 air traffic control radios from Rohde & Schwarz blend the company’s robust design philosophy, exacting research and development and uncompromising production standards. The result is a radio that is highly reliable, simple to use and easy to upgrade.

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Security by design. Safety by culture.

Secure solutions in the ATC market

Security is the key value at Rohde & Schwarz. It is enshrined in our four distinct, overlapping approaches of corporate security, secure development, secure solutions and security methods. This white paper explains each of these approaches and how they contribute to the company’s holistic security philosophy.

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