R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system

Non-intrusive voice quality assurance system

R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system
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R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system
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R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system
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R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system
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R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system
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R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system
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R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system
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R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system
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R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system
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R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system
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R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system
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R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system
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R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system
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R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system R&S®AVQA advanced voice quality assurance, front view R&S®AVQA ATC voice quality assurance, side view R&S®AVQA advanced voice quality assurance system, screenshot R&S®AVQA advanced voice quality assurance system, screenshot R&S®AVQA advanced voice quality assurance system, screenshot R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system R&S®AVQA Advanced voice quality assurance system

Key Facts

  • Non-intrusive quality assurance system
  • Monitors both IP and RF communications
  • Automatic recognition of the impairment root cause
  • Compatible with any ED-137 VCS and radio system
  • ATC-specific reporting and visualization

Insightful analytics and detailed monitoring of ATC voice networks

Designed for efficient operation with modern IP based architectures

R&S®AVQA is a non-intrusive voice assurance system that provides many integrated monitoring functions for ATC communications systems. These functions include:

  • Quality assurance reports to CAA
  • Type acceptance of new IP systems
  • Live information about disturbance to ACC admin
  • Voice quality report on ANSP interconnection (e.g. NewPENS)
  • Network quality reporting

Caractéristiques & avantages

Ground-ground voice assurance

Reachability and voice quality monitoring between centers and towers

The R&S®AVQA ground-ground assurance monitors and stores quality details about each ground-ground call. In the event of problems, automatic impairment recognition immediately alarms the maintenance team with background information on the root cause. In addition, long-term statistics on MOS, reachability and other parameters are the basis for annual reports to civil aviation authorities.

Ground-ground call details
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Ground-ground call details

Detailed information about ground-ground streams with low packet interval of 10 ms and tolerable jitter.

Air-ground voice assurance

End-to-end voice and radio system monitoring to ensure safe flights

Monitors functions and quality of entire air-ground communications systems as well as ATC radios. The statistical analysis provides reports on VoIP KPIs in line with ED-136 requirements. In case of impairments, automated indication and alarms with root cause analysis provide important information for further investigations. The system is compatible with any ED-137-compatible radios and VCS systems.

Air-ground call details
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Air-ground call details

Clearly structured call details on air-ground calls with indicators and detailed information for every five seconds of each call.

Frequency monitor

Keep track of overall frequency utilization for efficient management

Air navigation service providers must be aware of frequency spectrum availability. The R&S®AVQA frequency monitoring function gives the most efficient overview. In addition, impairments such as long-pressed PTT and SQL drops cause immediate alerts, which helps remedy issues faster.

Frequency utilization monitor
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Frequency utilization monitor

Real-time monitoring of the individual utilization of each channel provides valuable insights for better adjustment to the particular load.

Radio channel statistics

Squelch and noise power level monitoring

The R&S®AVQA RSSI monitor is a prime example of efficient self-diagnostics. The monitor enables network managers to track the RSSI value at every receiver without additional RF monitoring equipment. This is useful for quickly localizing a faulty receiver or a related issue, e.g. a misaligned antenna.

RSSI statistics
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RSSI statistics

The R&S®AVQA RSSI monitor extracts vital RF performance analytics and summarizes them centrally for a clear overview.

Loopback monitor

Insightful closed-loop monitoring of the entire communications chain

The R&S®AVQA loopback monitor uses patented techniques to check end-to-end voice system functionality. The R&S®AVQA covers the RF aspects of the network and can provide a very broad system view for the network administrator. As the name suggests, the loopback monitor compares different receiver responses to the signal transmitted by the ground based radios.

Loopback monitor
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Loopback monitor

The loopback monitor compares signal strength and reception delay to spot potential problems.

Non-intrusive monitoring

Probes of R&S®AVQA are connected via TAPs or mirroring ports to the monitored environment. This one-way connection ensures that the monitored environment cannot be influenced. Traffic is analyzed locally on the probes and only summary data (QDRs) are send back to the AVQA manager.

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Available options

Sensor modules

AVQA Probe S appliance

AVQA Probe S appliance


AVQA Probe M appliance

AVQA Probe M appliance

Features and functions options

GG monitor license

Monitor the entire ground-ground communications system with automated impairment indications, alarms and root cause analysis. 


AG monitor license

Monitoring of the entire air-ground communications system with automated impairment indications, alarming and root cause analysis. 


RSSI monitor license

Long-term radio signal strength and noise statistic with alarming for on noise bursts and low signal strength.


Frequency monitor license

Statistical analysis of frequency utilization for deep radiocommunications insights. Automaticaly alarms problems such as long-pressed PTT, long SQL or simultaneous transmissions.


Loopback monitor license

Real-time monitoring of the entire TX and RX communication chain, automatically reporting and alarming delay and RSSI deviation of ground based transmissions unsing ground based recievers.

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