R&S®SFI100A: Unleashing the gamechanger of sub-Thz frequencies!

Ready to push boundaries in the H band?
You’re in luck! The R&S®FC330ST / R&S®FC330SR have been designed to elevate your sub-THz capabilities by extending the frequency range of connected signal and spectrum analyzers to 220-330 GHz.
While, strictly speaking, the H band is not new, it is becoming increasingly important for applications that require high precision and data throughput, such as radar technology, imaging for security and healthcare and telecommunications.
The R&S®FC220ST/SR integrate seamlessly with instruments like the R&S®SFI100A , R&S®SMW200A and R&S®FSW signal and spectrum analyzer, to provide a solid foundation for H band research.
Key product highlights include:
Want to learn more? Be sure to check out the R&S®FC330ST and R&S®FC330SR
Or explore the full “Sub-terahertz: Above Expectations” range of test and measurement solutions