Webinar series autumn 2020

Rohde & Schwarz webinars


02.02.2021 - 31.12.2021


online accessible globally


Language: EN

Presenters: Rohde & Schwarz experts

Nordic Webinar Series 2021

Join our webinar series

We have composed a series of interesting webinars for you. The webinars will be delivered by our R&S experts and will cover fundamentals of several test & measurement topics. Take a look at our schedule below and register to the webinars that are relevant for you. A more detailed description of the content of each webinar is available on the registration page.

Contact us if you have any questions.

Recorded webinars

June 2021 webinars

Ready, Acquire, Trigger – Guide to Better Scope Measurements

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Ready: Bandwidth and Rise Time
  • Acquire: Sample Rate and Memory depth Vertical Resolution
  • Trigger: Standard and Advanced Triggering

More information

VNA: Pulse Measurements and Analysis

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Basic concepts to making pulsed measurements with a Network Analyser
  • Fundamentals of a pulsed spectrum
  • How to generally implement measurement techniques by using narrowband, wideband and pulse profile

More information

Phasenoise and Advanced Jitter Measurements Part 2

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Detail look on Jitter and Jitter terms
  • Separation of Jitter
  • Jitter measurements

More information

VNA: IQ Mixer Characterization

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Analysis of I- and Q- phase accuracy
  • Measuring the unwanted sideband suppression
  • Measuring the nonlinearity behavior of the IQ mixer
  • Details about the measurement setup for an up-or downconverter IQ mixer

More information

VNA: Noise Figure Measurements

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Introduction into the basics of Noise Figure measurements
  • Implementation of Noise Figure measurements on a network analyzer without using a Noise source
  • Challenges of making these measurements with high gain and frequency converting devices
  • Practical demonstration of the measurement with the new R&S®ZNA-K30 Noise Figure option

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VNA: Signal Integrity and Deembedding

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • PCB Probing with Packet Micro Probing Solution
  • Advanced Deembedding
  • Time Domain Analysis of Transmission Lines

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How are SI, PI and EMI Related to Each Other

How are SI, PI and EMI Related to Each Other

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Definitions
  • Common problems and tools for Power Integrity (PI) and Signal Integrity (SI) measurements
  • How are Signal and Power Integrity linked together?
  • An example of Eye diagram and Jitter Analysis measurements by using R&S®RTP Oscilloscope
  • EMC Analysis vs In-System verification
  • Practical demo

More information

May 2021 webinars

OTA Measurements for Base Stations

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • OTA measurements principles
  • OTA measurement techniques and solutions
  • Outlook in to the 3GPP specified test cases
  • R&S Instrument choices for OTA

More information

Characterizing an ADAS Radar in a transportable CATR based fully anechoic chamber with best-in-class performance

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • we explain ADAS radar technology trends and measurement needs
  • introduce our CATR test setup and measurement possibilities
  • review campaigns and lessons learned with three sensors

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Basic Introduction to the new R&S®ELEKTRA test software, the Successor of the famous R&S®EMC32 Measurement Software

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • History of EMC32 and why the need of introducing new EMC software
  • Will EMC32 still be maintained/developed?
  • Will EMC32 still be supported?
  • Basic introduction to the Elektra EMC software

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OTA Wireless Coexistence Testing Products and Solutions for Consumer Electronics, Medical and Automotive

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Understand more about the challenges for coexistence tests for device manufacture
  • Learn more about the solutions to perform these measurements in a connected and OTA environment

More information

Phase Noise and Advanced Jitter Measurements Part 1

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Differences between phase noise and Jitter measurements
  • Detail look on phase noise
  • Making phase noise measurements easy and precise

More information

Riding the Next IoT Wave Enabled by 5G (Rel.16/17)

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • What is next in IoT and IIoT?
  • The beauty of 5G for industrial applications
  • 5G for IoT Technology overview
  • Related test challenges and solutions

More information

Amplifier Measurements with Vector Network Analyzer

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Typical applications
  • Key parameters of small signal amplifiers
  • Practical measurement considerations
  • Configuration / Calibration / Measurements

More information

April 2021 webinars

OTA Fundamentals and Rohde & Schwarz Solutions

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Why OTA is becoming a centerpiece of RF testing in 5G NR mmW
  • What to consider with respect to OTA testing needs
  • How to select the right shielding chamber for your requirements

More information

Rohde & Schwarz Fundamentals of Spectrum Analyzers

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Fundamentals, classic principles and key performance
  • Basic building blocks, user settings and applications
  • Modern analyzers

More information

Automotive Radar, Chirp Generation and Analysis

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Generating of chirped signals with the Rohde & Schwarz pulse sequencer SW
  • Analysis of chirped signals
  • Advanced analysis of automotive radar applications

More information

R&S®ZNH Handheld Vector Network Analyzer

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Introducing new handheld VNA
  • Measurement capability
  • Calibration approach, cal kits and cal standards supported
  • Short demo

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Bode Plot Measurements with Oscilloscopes

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • What is Bode Plot?
  • Typical measurement setup with Oscilloscope
  • Filter measurements
  • SMPS stability measurements

More information

March 2021 webinars

Oscilloscope Fundamentals

  • Duration: 70 min
  • Language: EN

  • Analogue Bandwidth
  • Sampling Rate
  • Memory Size
  • Measurement/Observation Time
  • Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) /Dynamic Range
  • Practical demo

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Which Probe to Choose for Digital and High-Voltage Applications

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Probe basics, different types of voltage probes and ideal probe vs real probe
  • How could I estimate probing behavior?
  • Typical measurements on power electronics
  • Construction of high voltage differential probe and how should they be connected to EUT
  • Typical measurement parameters and how are they related to probes?
  • Differential measurements, Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) and DC offset compensation
  • Practical demo

More information

CMsquares Sequencer - ONE Graphical Scripting Tool for All Your Automated 5G Testing Needs

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Short introduction to R&S®CMsquares (Unified user interface for Protocol, RF and Application Testing)
  • Introduction of CMsequencer - the new, all in one R&S®CMsquares scripting tool
  • Demo of CMsequencer

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Automotive Ethernet Measurements

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Overview on BUS topologies
  • Compliance testing
  • Trigger-Decode functionalities for advanced BUS analysis

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Calibration Techniques of Vector Network Analyzer

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Why calibrate?
  • Typical calibration methods
  • Manual vs. automatic calibration
  • Advanced calibration techniques

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Bluetooth RF Testing with R&S®CMW Wideband Radio Communication Tester

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Update BT Releases
  • Rel. 5.2
    • LE Audio
    • LE Power Control
  • Rel. 5.1. Direction Finding
  • BT Pre-qualification and interference meas.
  • Outlook to next Release BLE OTA test mode
  • RF Test solution based on CMW

More information

February 2021 webinars

Introduction to Vector Network Analysis

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Transmission Line introduction
  • Hardware concept of the VNA
  • Typical measurements and result formats
  • Calibration techniques

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RF Connector Care and Good Practices

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Language: EN

  • Introduction into the common RF connectors, their practical limitations and characteristics
  • How to ensure the highest performance and lifetime from the connector or cable assembly

More information

FAQ list

How do I register?

Click the Register now button to open the registration form / page.

Enter your contact information and fill out any other required fields, then click Register.

Once you have successfully registered, you will receive a confirmation email.

How do I log into the webinar?

Once you've registered, you will receive a confirmation email that includes specific login information. When the webinar is about to begin, you can use that information to get into session.

No software download is necessary. Make sure that your computer speakers are on.

Are there any costs for the webinar?

No, all our webinars are free of charge.

Who should I contact if I have any questions regarding the webinar?

If you have any questions click on the Contact us button above.

Once the webinar is over, will I have access to the materials and recording?

Yes, the webinar recording will be availabe after the webinar on this website.

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