36 結果
R&S®BBA150は、周波数レンジ4 kHz~6 GHzで、RF出力パワー3000 W P1dBまでのEMCアプリケーション用の信頼性の高い広帯域アンプです。
This document provides the technical specifications of the R&S®BBA150 broadband amplifier.
Models: R&S®BBA150-A125, R&S®BBA150-A160, R&S®BBA150-A200, R&S®BBA150-A400, R&S®BBA150-A700, R&S®BBA150-A1300, R&S®BBA150-A2500, R&S®BBA150-AB75, R&S®BBA150-AB125, R&S®BBA150-AB160, R&S®BBA150-AB200, R&S®BBA150-AB350, R&S®BBA150-AB600, R&S®BBA150-BC70, R&S®BBA150-BC125, R&S®BBA150-BC160, R&S®BBA150-BC250, R&S®BBA150-BC500, R&S®BBA150-BC1000, R&S®BBA150-BC1250, R&S®BBA150-BC1500, R&S®BBA150-BC2000, R&S®BBA150-BC3000, R&S®BBA150-D30, R&S®BBA150-D60, R&S®BBA150-D110, R&S®BBA150-D200, R&S®BBA150-D400, R&S®BBA150-D800, R&S®BBA150-E15, R&S®BBA150-E30, R&S®BBA150-E60, R&S®BBA150-E100, R&S®BBA150-E200, R&S®BBA150-E400, R&S®BBA150-A75A75, R&S®BBA150-A125A125, R&S®BBA150-A200A200, R&S®BBA150-BC70BC70, R&S®BBA150-BC125BC125, R&S®BBA150-BC160BC160, R&S®BBA150-BC250BC250, R&S®BBA150-D30D30, R&S®BBA150-D60D60, R&S®BBA150-D110D110, R&S®BBA150-E30E30, R&S®BBA150-E60E60, R&S®BBA150-E100E100, R&S®BBA150-A75BC70, R&S®BBA150-A75BC125, R&S®BBA150-A75BC250, R&S®BBA150-A125BC70, R&S®BBA150-A125BC125, R&S®BBA150-A125BC160, R&S®BBA150-A125BC250, R&S®BBA150-A160BC125, R&S®BBA150-A160BC160, R&S®BBA150-A200BC70, R&S®BBA150-A200BC125, R&S®BBA150-A200BC250, R&S®BBA150-A400BC70, R&S®BBA150-A400BC125, R&S®BBA150-BC70D30, R&S®BBA150-BC70D60, R&S®BBA150-BC70D110, R&S®BBA150-BC125D30, R&S®BBA150-BC125D60, R&S®BBA150-BC125D110, R&S®BBA150-BC160D30, R&S®BBA150-BC160D60, R&S®BBA150-BC160D110, R&S®BBA150-BC250D30, R&S®BBA150-BC250D60, R&S®BBA150-BC250D110, R&S®BBA150-D30E30, R&S®BBA150-D60E15, R&S®BBA150-D60E30, R&S®BBA150-D60E60, R&S®BBA150-D110E30, R&S®BBA150-D110E60, R&S®BBA150-D110E100, R&S®BBA150-D200E60, R&S®BBA150-D200E100, R&S®BBA150-D200E200, R&S®BBA150-D400E200, R&S®BBA150-D400E400, R&S®BBA150-D30E15
R&S®ZVA ベクトル・ネットワーク・アナライザとR&S®BBA150 広帯域アンプを使用して、最短のテスト時間で、正確かつ再現性の高い結果を取得します。
9月 27, 2013
Excellent amplifiers from 4 kHz to 6 GHz with high power density
Influence of a directional coupler’s parameters on the results of forward and reflected power measurements
11月 04, 2016 | AN 番号 7TA1
Models: R&S®BBA150-A125, R&S®BBA150-A160, R&S®BBA150-A200, R&S®BBA150-A400, R&S®BBA150-A700, R&S®BBA150-A1300, R&S®BBA150-A2500, R&S®BBA150-AB75, R&S®BBA150-AB125, R&S®BBA150-AB160, R&S®BBA150-AB200, R&S®BBA150-AB350, R&S®BBA150-AB600, R&S®BBA150-BC70, R&S®BBA150-BC125, R&S®BBA150-BC160, R&S®BBA150-BC250, R&S®BBA150-BC500, R&S®BBA150-BC1000, R&S®BBA150-BC1250, R&S®BBA150-BC1500, R&S®BBA150-BC2000, R&S®BBA150-BC3000, R&S®BBA150-D30, R&S®BBA150-D60, R&S®BBA150-D110, R&S®BBA150-D200, R&S®BBA150-D400, R&S®BBA150-D800, R&S®BBA150-E15, R&S®BBA150-E30, R&S®BBA150-E60, R&S®BBA150-E100, R&S®BBA150-E200, R&S®BBA150-E400, R&S®BBA150-A75A75, R&S®BBA150-A125A125, R&S®BBA150-A200A200, R&S®BBA150-BC70BC70, R&S®BBA150-BC125BC125, R&S®BBA150-BC160BC160, R&S®BBA150-BC250BC250, R&S®BBA150-D30D30, R&S®BBA150-D60D60, R&S®BBA150-D110D110, R&S®BBA150-E30E30, R&S®BBA150-E60E60, R&S®BBA150-E100E100, R&S®BBA150-A75BC70, R&S®BBA150-A75BC125, R&S®BBA150-A75BC250, R&S®BBA150-A125BC70, R&S®BBA150-A125BC125, R&S®BBA150-A125BC160, R&S®BBA150-A125BC250, R&S®BBA150-A160BC125, R&S®BBA150-A160BC160, R&S®BBA150-A200BC70, R&S®BBA150-A200BC125, R&S®BBA150-A200BC250, R&S®BBA150-A400BC70, R&S®BBA150-A400BC125, R&S®BBA150-BC70D30, R&S®BBA150-BC70D60, R&S®BBA150-BC70D110, R&S®BBA150-BC125D30, R&S®BBA150-BC125D60, R&S®BBA150-BC125D110, R&S®BBA150-BC160D30, R&S®BBA150-BC160D60, R&S®BBA150-BC160D110, R&S®BBA150-BC250D30, R&S®BBA150-BC250D60, R&S®BBA150-BC250D110, R&S®BBA150-D30E30, R&S®BBA150-D60E15, R&S®BBA150-D60E30, R&S®BBA150-D60E60, R&S®BBA150-D110E30, R&S®BBA150-D110E60, R&S®BBA150-D110E100, R&S®BBA150-D200E60, R&S®BBA150-D200E100, R&S®BBA150-D200E200, R&S®BBA150-D400E200, R&S®BBA150-D400E400, R&S®BBA150-D30E15
5月 11, 2020
Service Levels Description for Rohde & Schwarz Broadband Amplifiers - Miscellaneous
4月 19, 2023 | Press Release | Test & measurement
ローデ・シュワルツ、フランスに新開設されたEmitech社の車両試験センターにEMCテストシステムを提供自動車分野の製品評価のための実用試験に特化した企業であるEmitech社は、フランスのモンティニー=ル=ブルトンヌーに新しい車両試験センターを開設しました。同センターのEMCチャンバには、ローデ・シュワルツのR&S BBA150・R&S BBA130・R&S BBL200広帯域アンプやR&S ESW44テスト・レシーバ、R&S SMB100BRF信号発生器、パワーメータを含むフル装備のEMCテストシステムが設備されています。3月に行われた竣工式典では、ローデ・シュワルツが先進運転支援システム(ADAS)のテストに対する革新的なソリューションについてもデモンストレーションしました。
4ポートのR&S®ZVA ベクトル・ネットワーク・アナライザは、2つの内蔵信号源と自動レベル制御(ALC)を備え、R&S®BBA150 広帯域アンプと組み合わせることにより、超高速のPIM測定を実現する独自のソリューションとなります。ALCを使用することにより、熱/パワーセトリング時間の問題と、アンプの出力パワー変動の問題を解決し、テスト時間を数分から1秒未満に短縮しました。 ZVA ベクトル・ネットワーク・アナライザ, PIM, ニュルンベルクで開催されたEuropean Microwave Week 2013で、ローデ・シュワルツはデュプレックスフィルターの高速で正確な相互変調ひずみ(PIM)テストのデモを行いました。
12月 09, 2021 | Press Release
3月 09, 2022 | Press Release
ローデ・シュワルツが、車載5GおよびC-V2X試験ソリューションをMWC Barcelona 2022に出展ローデ・シュワルツが、車載5GおよびC-V2X試験ソリューションをMWC Barcelona 2022に出展
Dec 01, 2021 | Press Release | Automotive
From the lab to the proving ground: Rohde & Schwarz and Audi cooperate on Cellular-V2X road traffic scenario testingRohde & Schwarz and Audi partner to enable Cellular-V2X (C-V2X) application testing; creating road traffic scenarios in the laboratory and using the same traffic scenarios to conduct end-to-end testing on the Audi proving ground with an R&S CMW500 wideband radio communication tester.
R&S UBL100 Ultra Broadband Load - Product Flyer
RF amplifiers from Rohde & Schwarz in accelerator physics - Application Card
This document provides the technical specifications of the R&S®DDC25 dual directional coupler.
High-power amplifiers
Excellence in precision. Solutions for particle accelerators - Flyer カタログおよびデータシート Flyer
Jul 11, 2022 | Press Release | EMC testing
Rohde & Schwarz showcases its market-leading, reliable EMC test solutions at EMV in CologneAt the EMC event EMV in Cologne, Rohde & Schwarz demonstrates a comprehensive range of EMC test and measurement solutions – ranging from standalone instruments and software to application-specific systems. As a highlight, the company unveils an important enhancement to the R&S ESW EMI test receiver, the new 1GHz bandwidth extension. The Rohde & Schwarz solutions are on display from July 12 to 14, 2022 at the Cologne exhibition center, hall 10.2, booth 112.
Feb 21, 2022 | Press Release | Test & measurement
At MWC Barcelona 2022 Rohde & Schwarz presents its automotive 5G and C-V2X test solutionsAt MWC Barcelona 2022 Rohde & Schwarz is showcasing its range of automotive 5G and C-V2X test solutions for development in the lab and verification in the field to ensure the performance and reliability of critical automotive communications. Further focus applications are UWB test solutions for R&D, certification and production as well as flexible GNSS simulation provided by Rohde & Schwarz.
Jan 27, 2022 | Press Release | Test & measurement
Rohde & Schwarz furnishes EMC and radio labs of CSA Group′s new European headquarters with state-of-the-art T&M equipmentCSA Group, a global leader in testing, inspection and certification, has built a new European headquarters in Plattling in the State of Bavaria, Germany. As part of this project, CSA Group is considerably expanding its testing capabilities for German and European customers. For example, new test labs will enable a wide variety of product tests and certifications even of very large devices weighing up to 20 tonnes. The required test and measurement and amplifier equipment comes from EMC market leader Rohde & Schwarz.
Jun 09, 2022 | Press Release | Test & measurement
Rohde & Schwarz highlights its future-oriented ADAS test solutions at Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2022At Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2022 in Stuttgart, Rohde & Schwarz will demonstrate a wide range of advanced test solutions that support automotive applications. In the focus of the company at the show will be C-V2X, GNSS and automotive radar solutions which pave the way for the realization of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). Another important topics are connectivity test solutions for Automotive Ethernet, 5G and UWB.
現在のレーダー開発は、信号処理の分野に焦点を当てています。このエデュケーショナルノートではこれを考慮し、トランスミッター側にR&S®SMW/SMBV 信号発生器を、レシーバー側にR&S®FSW/FSV 測定器を使用して、クローズド・ループ・レーダー・システムを構築する場合について説明します。
11月 20, 2014 | AN 番号 1MA234