16 結果
SOVERON® AR VHF/UHFトランシーバーは、情報の優位性および状況認識を可能にする高度なコマンド&コントロール(C2)機能を備えています。
This document describes extras for R&S®AR5000 airborne radios.
For rotary and fixed-wing airborne platforms. The R&S®AR5000 airborne radio is a member of the SOVERON software defined radio family.
The only military airborne radio that meets civil aviation certification requirements
From an independent, privately owned manufacturer
Combines ease of integration with high technology
Customized national data link
Assuring command and control (C2) superiority
SOVERON Avionics Family Overview Poster
Secure rotorcraft communications for naval application
First choice for airborne platforms Rohde & Schwarz software defined airborne radios are in operation in more than 70 different airborne platforms. More than 8,000 radios are delivered for jets, transporter aircrafts, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles.
Information superiority is vital to effectiveness and survivability during missions.
Nov 14, 2021 | Press Release | Aerospace
Dubai Airshow 2021: Rohde & Schwarz makes the skies saferAt Dubai Airshow, Rohde & Schwarz presents aerospace solutions that improve safety and efficiency in all domains. The company combines innovation and technology, delivering turnkey communications and intelligence solutions.
Since airspace worldwide is used largely for civil purposes, military aircraft must also meet civil standards in order to fly in this airspace without restrictions.