R&S®FU129 Antenna filter unit

Antenna filter unit for outdoor use

R&S®FU129 Antenna filter unit
라이트박스 열기
R&S®FU129 antenna filter unit, side view

주요 사항

  • 1-of-6 antenna input selector
  • Wide frequency range from DC to 26.5 GHz
  • Suitable for outdoor use very close to antennas
  • Integrated rotator control (azimuth and polarization/
  • DC power supply for active antennas

Antenna filter unit

The R&S®FU129 antenna filter unit is placed close
to the receiving antennas. It comes with an antenna
input selector for remote controlled switching of
up to six antenna inputs from one output. Unwanted
signals, such as those caused by nearby mobile
base stations or strong sound and TV broadcast
transmitters, can be reduced to levels suitable for
the connected receiver by applying optional filters.
Both strong useful signals and interfering signals
can be suppressed.

사용 가능한 모델

사용 가능한 모델
Frequency range


주문 번호 3040.3300.03

Frequency range
DC - 24 GHz


주문 번호 3040.3300.04

Frequency range
DC - 8 GHz

사용 가능한 옵션

Attenuator options

주문 번호 3040.3400.02


Attenuator (max. 1)

Hardware options

주문 번호 3040.3516.02


Amplifier option: Bypass


주문 번호 3040.3522.02


Amplifier option: 20 MHz to 8 GHz


주문 번호 3040.3539.02


Amplifier option: 1 GHz to 26,5 GHz


주문 번호 3059.7500.02


Outdoor DC feed


주문 번호 3059.7600.02


Outdoor control box for R&S®HL050S7


주문 번호 3059.7800.02


Outdoor SHF preamplifier


주문 번호 3040.3600.02


Filter option, up to 5 filters can be installed with a maximum of 2 filter options per filter


주문 번호 3040.3616.02


Filter for filter option: Lowpass filter, DC to 80 MHz


주문 번호 3040.3622.02


Filter for filter option: Lowpass filter, DC to 530 MHz


주문 번호 3040.3639.02


Filter for filter option: Lowpass filter, DC to 3000 MHz


주문 번호 3040.3645.02


Filter for filter option: Highpass filter, 27.5 MHz to 800 MHz


주문 번호 3040.3651.02


Filter for filter option: Highpass filter, 133 MHz to 1 GHz


주문 번호 3040.3668.02


Filter for filter option: Highpass filter, 225 MHz to 3 GHz


주문 번호 3040.3674.02


Filter for filter option: Highpass filter, 910 MHz to 3 GHz


주문 번호 3040.3697.02


Filter for filter option: Highpass filter, 2.3 GHz to 5.5 GHz


주문 번호 3040.3700.02


Filter for filter option: Highpass filter, 3.9 GHz to 9.8 GHz


주문 번호 3040.3716.02


Filter for filter option: Highpass filter, 6 GHz to 11.5 GHz


주문 번호 3040.3722.02


Filter for filter option: Bandpass filter, 0.8 GHz to 1.05 GHz


주문 번호 3040.3739.02


Filters for filter option: Bandpass filter, 1.73 GHz to 2.27 GHz


주문 번호 3040.3745.02


Filter for filter option: Bandpass filter, 2 GHz to 2.26 GHz


주문 번호 3040.3751.02


Filter for filter option: Bandstop filter, 88 MHz to 108 MHz

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