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Find the information you need from Rohde & Schwarz. Search for products, technologies, applications, manuals, datasheets, tutorials, FAQs, and more.
53 Results
R&S®CMW290 functional radio communication tester is ideal for testing cellular and non-cellular IoT applications
Leading wireless network emulators from Rohde & Schwarz. Find the right solution for your 5G NR test and measurement challenges
R&S®CMW290 - Fact sheet Brochures and Data Sheets
Rohde & Schwarz offers the R&S®CMW500 radio communication tester and the R&S®CMW290 functional radio communication tester to meet different testing needs; R&S®CMWcards for C-IoT
Testing eSIM compliance and remote SIM provisioning
Listing of all video overview pages sorted by categories and themes. Looking for additional insight on a specific application or measurement technique? Pick your topic of interest.
DTMF analysis on CMW500 and CMW290
How to configure a external trigger at CMW500, CMW290, CMW270 to synchronize with LTE signal time frames
CMW500 / CMW290: GPRS / EDGE packet data measurements failed because UE stay not in TBF (Temporary Block Flow) state.
How can the CQI (Chanel Quality Identifier) from UE and coresponding 3GPP specified mapping to Modulation and TBS be tested?
If a CMWrun test plan script has been fished the AC power of a CMW500 / CMW290 / CMW270 should be shut down automaticly.
How to get Wireshark log files for IMS (VoLTE, VoWiFi) when using CMW500/CMW290
During the call setup with VoLTE/VoWiFi with EVS voice codec the bandwidth is negotiated. How can the bandwidth be setup and how will it be shown in the CMW user interface?
Learn how the physical layer has changed with Bluetooth 5 and how to perform transmitter and receiver measurements using the R&S®CMW platform.
CMsquares download file not available in R&S Installation Manager
During a CMWrun test my DUT fails on delivering isolated measurements using CMW270/290/500.
LTE UE capabilities Interpretation of Bandwidth Combination Set values shown in CMW Callbox
Setting a CMW as a Bluetooth LE packet Generator
It is required to run two simultaneous NB IoT Signaling tests in parallel. Is this possible for a CMW call box tester?
CMW500/290/270: No more WLAN signaling function after WLAN firmware update
CMWrun Settings for external Interfer usage in Bluetooth LE Test Plans.
How can the external attenuation values be configured and embedded in the CMWRun test sequences?
How can a WiFi connection instead be made to a WiFi network for remote access of the CMW?
Is it possible to set up an IP peer to peer test using CMW500 between a corporate network and one EUT attached to an LTE cell?
The CMW500/2xx shows a resource conflict in this situation when using in parallel the RFxCOM port and the RFxOUT port of the same RF-frontend.
MWC2019, CMW290, smart city, IoT module test, IoT device test, IP security, battery lifetime, GSMA, Mobile World Congress Rohde & Schwarz demonstrates tests on IoT modules for smart cities at GSMA Mobile World Congress 2019 in Barcelona.
IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Testing with the R&S CMW Wideband Radio Communication Tester - Application Brochure
Installation of CMWcards is made on a external PC that should control the CMW mobile radio tester via LAN interface. But also the PC and the CMW are connected to the same LAN the remote connection do not work and the resource check showed "not connected".
MWC2019, CMW290, BLE, BT LE signaling, NB-IoT, IoT, GSMA, Mobile World Congress Rohde & Schwarz demonstrates combined RF and functional test for NB-IoT and Bluetooth® 5.0 LE signaling at GSMA Mobile World Congress 2019 in Barcelona.