10 Ergebnisse
This document provides the technical specifications of the R&S®FE170SR external frontend 110 GHz to 170 GHz.
Rohde & Schwarz Handbuch für die externen Frontends R&S®FE170ST und R&S®FE170SR.
Our new video provides an overview of the R&S®FE170SR/ST, highlighting the key features such as high performance, ease of operation and full calibration. Discover why we're using the slogan "SUB-TERAHERTZ, ABOVE EXPECTATIONS" to describe this exciting new solution. The future of wireless communications testing is here, and the R&S®FE170SR and R&S®FE170ST RF frontends are leading the way.
Rohde & Schwarz ebnet mit den neuen R&S FE170 D-Band-Frontend-Erweiterungen den Weg für Sub-THz-ForschungDie neuen R&S FE170 Frontend-Erweiterungen ermöglichen den R&S Signalgeneratoren und Analysatoren D-Band-Frequenzen abzudecken.
FE170ST, FE170SR, 6G-Tester, 6G-Testgeräte, D-Band-Testgeräte Die Basisbänder des R&S®SMW200A 2-Pfad-Signalgenerators können kombiniert werden, sodass sich Signale mit einer HF-Bandbreite von 4 GHz erzeugen lassen.
FE170ST, FE170SR, 6G-Tester, 6G-Testgeräte, D-Band-Testgeräte Mit den R&S®FE170 Frontends stellt Rohde & Schwarz innovative Frequenz-Auf- und -Abwärtsumsetzer vor, die mit hoher Performance punkten und die Konfiguration des Messaufbaus vereinfachen.
This document provides the technical specifications of the FE170-ZXX accessories.
Learn about the features, capabilities and possibilities of the R&S®FE170ST frontend and R&S®FE170SR frontend Or discover what our “Sub-terahertz: Above Expectations” range of test and measurement solutions is all about – and what it has in store for the future.
Rohde & Schwarz achieves breakthrough in sub-THz research with 140 GHz multi-channel transceiver characterizationRohde & Schwarz is advancing its pioneering sub-THz research in the D-Band and has reached important milestones. In collaboration with the Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC), the test and measurement expert has successfully characterized a TX/RX multi-antenna chip (CHARM) operating at up to 140 GHz, using their D-Band over-the-air (OTA) test chamber. Academia and industry leaders agree that the 110 GHz to 170 GHz frequency range, known as D-Band, is critical for beyond 5G and 6G mobile communications and future automotive radar applications.
Frequency extension up to 110 GHz or 175 GHz for wideband signal analysis and generation.