#ThinkSix - video series

The #ThinkSix video series explores important topics relevant to the question of what is beyond 5G. We will follow the surrounding discussions and work with partners and customers to support this initial phase of research on the road to 6G

What is the Metaverse?

The metaverse and XR - Part 1: Join us as we delve into the fundamental ideas of the Metaverse and its symbiotic relationship with extended reality (XR). Discover how these emerging paradigms promise to reshape our reality and propel us into a new era of connectivity and experience.

Jun 07, 2024

The role of 5G and 6G

The metaverse and XR - Part 2: Join us and get an introduction to addressing new network challenges. Discover how 5G and 6G will enable the next generation of immersive experiences.

Jun 06, 2024

5G and 5G-Advanced

The metaverse and XR - Part 3: Join us and learn about the 5G and 5G-Advanced features that are laying the foundation for 6G high-fidelity XR and large-scale metaverse experiences.

Jun 05, 2024

E2E testing of XR use cases

The metaverse and XR - Part 4: Join us for an introduction to our work in developing an E2E testbed for XR use cases.

Jun 04, 2024

6G Applications

The metaverse is a virtual space where people come together to interact with one another and explore a computer-generated world. Watch this video to learn about the direction of 6G, XR applications and more.

Feb 02, 2024

Semiconductor Technologies

There are several different semiconductor technologies that are currently being discussed for 6G. Watch this video for a deeper insight into the main challenges and findings on semiconductor technologies

Jan 16, 2024

THz Communication

Watch this video for an overview of THz communication research, requirements and test equipment.

Nov 28, 2023

Joint communication and sensing (JCAS)

Discover the insights of Rohde & Schwarz experts and other industry leaders as they discuss the applications and challenges of this exciting technology.

Oct 31, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Learn about the role that AI and ML may play in signal processing, battery-powered mobile devices and more.

Sep 25, 2023

6G major research areas

Discover the insights of Rohde & Schwarz experts and other industry leaders as they discuss the pivotal research areas driving the evolution of wireless technology.

Sep 11, 2023

6G Overview and vision

Rohde & Schwarz is not just an observer; we're actively shaping the future of 6G as part of various research projects. Join us on this journey toward a wireless world. Together, we'll make it extraordinary.

Sep 11, 2023

#ThinkSix - Validating a Machine-Learning Based Neural Receiver with 5G NR Multiple MIMO Signals

Using Machine Learning (ML) powered by Artificial Intelligence for signal processing tasks in wireless communication really is beginning to move from theory to practice. Watch this video for a demonstration of the first hardware setup capable of validating the performance of a self-training neural receiver.

Jun 15, 2023

#ThinkSix - Phase noise characterization in the D-band

This video introduces the topic of phase noise, demonstrates a test setup for investigating phase noise for the latest communication systems, and with D band (110-170 GHz) frequencies a hot tip for 6G research.

May 11, 2023

#ThinkSix - 6G Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS)

This video introduces Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) and presents how Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces can achieve previously unattainable coverage, spectral and power efficiency, and reduced propagation.

Apr 18, 2023

#ThinkSix - Is it time for wireless communication to get smart(er) with AI/ML? Part 3.

This video looks into the future to see whether this work can transform the air interface for a 6G standard.

Mar 08, 2023

#ThinkSix - Is it time for wireless communication to get smart(er) with AI/ML? Part 2.

This video introduces the effectiveness of the Machine Learning-based procedure for an use case.

Feb 22, 2023

#ThinkSix - Is it time for wireless communication to get smart(er) with AI/ML? Part 1.

This video introduces the background theory and terminology of AI and ML.

Feb 11, 2023

#ThinkSix - Spectrum for 6G

This video runs through the frequencies from 7.125 GHz to 24.25 GHz, highlighting the bands with the maximum potential for next-generation wireless services.

Jan 25, 2023

#ThinkSix - 6G에 사용될 신규 스펙트럼은? 실무적 검토

이 동영상은 사용 가능한 스펙트럼과 실험 면허를 기준으로 6G에 관한 기초 연구에서 D 대역(110-170 GHz)과 G 대역(140-220 GHz)을 후보 주파수로 고려하고 있는 이유에 대해 설명합니다.

1월 20, 2023

#ThinkSix - Channel measurements in the D-band

High frequencies completely new to mobile radio mean that researching channel characteristics to determine the effects on transmitted signals of propogation delays resulting from reflection, and losses due to scattering, are a major requirement for 6G research. In this video we demonstrate a test setup for channel sounding in the D-band.

Dec 15, 2022

#Think Six - A simple to use setup for investigating signals in the D-Band

동영상으로 110-170 GHz D-Band의 6G 연구개발에 관한 소개와 R&S에서 선보이는 FE170 Frontend을 확인하세요.

10월 18, 2022

#ThinkSix - D-밴드에서 4GHz 대역폭 신호를 생성하고 분석하기

#ThinkSix 동영상 시리즈에서 미래의 모습을 예상해봅니다. 이 동영상에서는 110-170 GHz 대역의 6G 초기 연구 개발과 추가 대역폭으로 더 빨라지는 데이터 레이트에 대해 살펴봅니다.

10월 18, 2022

#Think Six- 6G가 JCAS(Joint Communication & Sensing)로 제6의 감각을 더합니다

6G로 구현되는 혁신 분야의 새로운 연구 부문들을 동영상으로 확인하십시오.

9월 19, 2022

#ThinkSix – 5G 대역, 5G 이상 그리고 6G 연구

100 GHz 이상의 대역과 110 ~ 170 GHz의 주파수를 지원하는 D-Band에 대한 규제 환경을 분석하는 로데슈바르즈 동영상.

3월 03, 2021

#ThinkSix – 5G 대역, 5G 이상 그리고 6G 연구

100 GHz 이상의 대역과 110 ~ 170 GHz의 주파수를 지원하는 D-Band에 대한 규제 환경을 분석하는 로데슈바르즈 동영상.

11월 10, 2020

#ThinkSix – D-Band에서 서브-THz 통신을 위한 OTA 측정

이 동영상은 최대 170 GHz의 주파수를 지원하는 로데슈바르즈의 R&S®ATS1000 Antenna Test System에 대해 설명합니다.

11월 10, 2020

#ThinkSix – 6G의 시작점에서 6G 타임라인

이 동영상은 5G에서 얻은 경험과 4G LTE의 성공을 기반으로 5G NR의 진화와 6G의 잠재적 타임라인에 대해 알아봅니다.

5월 20, 2020

More webinars and videos

5G technology webinars

Free webinars: Watch our 5G webinars which explain the latest 5G NR physical layer specifications as described in 3GPP Releases15 and 16, discuss the associated test challenges and demonstrate innovative test solutions including 5G signal generation and analysis, massive MIMO and over the air testing.

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Rohde & Schwarz MWC2020 video series

Since MWC2020 in Barcelona does not take place, Rohde & Schwarz will bring their latest T&M innovations for 5G devices, base stations, 5G mobile networks, networking and firewall solutions and much more to you now.

Watch now our innovative solutions.

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Webinar overview

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