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R&S ATS800B CATR Benchtop Antenna Test System - Specifications
R&S ATS800R / R&S ATS800B – R&S ATS800 CATR setup for 5G NR millimeterwave signals - Product Brochure
Jun 05, 2023
Rohde & Schwarz, Fujikura, and Avnet validate CATR OTA test systems for 5G mmWave phased array antenna R&D testingDesigning a 5G FR2 phased array antenna module (PAAM) requires over-the-air (OTA) testing to measure parameters like equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) and effective isotropic sensitivity (EIS) in addition to traditional radiation patterns. Rohde & Schwarz has joined Fujikura and Avnet to validate their new development kit for 5G mmWave phased array antenna modules. The R&S ATS800B benchtop CATR OTA test system from Rohde & Schwarz is ideal for prototype testing in an open environment.
天线的特性和质量会显著影响OTA测试系统的整体测量准确度,因此选择合适的天线非常重要。下文简要介绍了常见的OTA天线及其关键参数。 联系我们了解更多详细信息。
Optimize beamforming – From bits to RF beams - Flyer
Since antenna characteristics and quality have a major influence on the overall measurement certainty in OTA test systems, selecting the right antenna is critical. The following is an overview of the most common OTA antennas and their key parameters. Contact us for more details.