네트워크 최적화

네트워크 최적화

Meet coverage, quality and service performance objectives

Network optimization and troubleshooting are crucial for network operations, especially in today's fast-paced, technology-driven environment where networks are constantly evolving:

  • Network capacity must continuously increase to meet ever-growing traffic demand.
  • New network infrastructures are regularly deployed, and new network architecture concepts are introduced.
  • New services and capacity-raising features are launched.
  • Coverage is continually expanded.

Your network optimization challenges

Mobile network operators (MNO) face increasing technological complexity, resulting in heightened competition and greater cost pressures on both CAPEX and OPEX. At the same time, subscribers are highly sensitive to service quality (QoE). Consequently, MNOs must adopt innovative strategies for network optimization and ensure fast, efficient troubleshooting when issues arise. The ultimate challenge lies in optimizing the network to achieve the targeted performance.

Our network optimization solutions

Rohde & Schwarz offers sophisticated network optimization tools that leverage data collected from various sources, including statistical counters from network elements and measurement data from network benchmarking campaigns.

Our holistic network optimization solution ensures a highly reliable and cost effective data collection process, minimizing operational costs through smart end-to-end campaign automation. It provides deep, actionable QoE centric insights through machine learning assisted data analytics. From these analytics results, network optimization measures can be derived, decided upon and implemented efficiently.

네트워크 최적화용 제품


범용 네트워크 엔지니어링 소프트웨어 플랫폼

제품 정보


드라이브 테스트 및 보행 테스트용 네트워크 스캐너 제품군

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QualiPoc Android

스마트폰 기반 QoE 테스트용 소프트웨어

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QoE 데이터 분석용 소프트웨어 제품군

제품 정보

Your network optimization benefits

Rohde & Schwarz is a pioneer in QoE centric mobile network benchmarking. Our network optimization and troubleshooting solutions are based on this extensive benchmarking experience. All solutions are designed and manufactured by our interdisciplinary team of in house experts. This allows us to control the entire value chain and offer superior product quality. As a result, our customers benefit from increased network performance to meet increasing market and subscriber demands.

네트워크 최적화 전문지식

Webinar: IP analysis - the groundbreaking development in network benchmarking

Explore the possibilities of enhancing benchmarking campaigns with IP data

More information

Educational note: Machine learning based network optimization

Understand the motivation behind the use of machine learning for network optimization

More information

App card: Crowdsourcing vs. mobile network testing

Learn the structure of the crowdsourcing space and understand the pros and cons

More information

Webinar: Modernization of test methods for 5G network performance
웹세미나: Four phases of the holistic 5G network optimization

본 웹세미나를 시청하고 로데슈바르즈 솔루션이 지원하는 4가지 전체론적 접근법으로 5G 네트워크 최적화를 달성하는 방법을 확인해보십시오.

추가 정보

Webinar: Four phases of the holistic 5G network optimization
웹세미나: Four phases of the holistic 5G network optimization

본 웹세미나를 시청하고 로데슈바르즈 솔루션이 지원하는 4가지 전체론적 접근법으로 5G 네트워크 최적화를 달성하는 방법을 확인해보십시오.

추가 정보

LTE mobile network optimization – a definitive guide

본 백서는 엔지니어에게 주어진 무선 액세스 네트워크 최적화의 과제와 해결 방법에 대해 설명합니다. 여기에서는 KPI(Key Performance Indicators)와 관련 PI(Performance Indicators) 및 현장 측정 메트릭을 식별합니다.

추가 정보

Data analytics drill-down – concept and benefits
Video: Data analytics drill down - concepts and benefits

Understand the concept and benefits of SmartAnalytics, a data analytics software suite

Watch Video

Data analytics drill-down – voice
Video: Data analytics drill down - voice

Learn how to use SmartAnalytics to understand data service measurement results

Watch Video

Data analytics drill-down – data
Video: Data analytics drill down – data

Learn how to use SmartAnalytics to understand data service measurement results

Watch Video

솔루션 가이드: mobile network testing

네트워크 품질 및 성능을 극대화해 귀사의 요구사항을 해결하는 데 최적인 테스트 솔루션에 대해 알아보십시오.

추가 정보

MNT 블로그 구독하기

뉴스레터 구독

모바일 네트워크 테스트 뉴스레터로 최신 스토리와 정보를 확인하십시오.

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