WLAN IEEE 802.11p testing

WLAN IEEE 802.11p testing

WLAN IEEE 802.11p test solutions

Rohde & Schwarz test solutions support engineers in bringing V2X communications solutions to market with the required performance, quality and reliability.

WLAN IEEE 802.11 met many of the needs of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) or car-to-car (C2C) communications required for intelligent transport systems (ITS). For example, the OFDM scheme is well suited to mobile environments, and the capability for ad-hoc communications fits well to the behavior of C2C communications. The IEEE 802.11p amendment for wireless access in vehicular environments ratified in 2010 was becoming an integral part of the related ITS protocol stacks. For example, the amendment was defined for the US market in the IEEE 1609 WAVE standard, for Europe in the ETSI EN 302 665 ITS standard and for Japan in the ARIB STD-109 standard. After comprehensive tests of this technology in trials around the world, an increasing number of commercial cars and roadside equipment support V2V communication based on IEEE 802.11p.

Wi-Fi in a very challenging environment

The main requirements for this dedicated short range communications (DSRC) technology were low latency, ad-hoc networking, support for distances of up to one kilometer and the ability to handle the high speed of the vehicles (relative velocities of up to around 500 km/h) in an extreme multipath environment. IEEE 802.11p is based on the first OFDM-based Wi-Fi standard IEEE 802.11a, but uses for example a half-clock mode for the 10 MHz bandwidth channel for more robustness. It operates in dedicated frequency bands reserved for ITS services, typically at 5.9 GHz. In contrast to standard WLAN configurations, there are no access points (AP) in 802.11p. Instead, stations (STA) communicate directly in a peer-to-peer network with each other.

Key IEEE 802.11p parameters based on IEEE 802.11a

Parameter IEEE 802.11a
20 MHz
IEEE 802.11p
20 MHz
IEEE 802.11p
10 MHz
IEEE 802.11p
5 MHz
Number of subcarriers 52 52 52 52
Subcarrier spacing 312.5 kHz 312.5 kHz 156.25 kHz 78.125 kHz
Symbol duration 4 µs 4 µs 8 µs 16 µs
Guard time 0.8 µs 0.8 µs 1.6 µs 3.2 µs
FTT period 3.2 µs 3.2 µs 6.4 µs 12.8 µs
Preamble duration 16 µs 16 µs 32 µs 64 µs
Modulation modes BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM

Your 802.11p test challenges

The standard defines several transmitter and receiver tests such as EVM, TX power, spectrum emissions and sensitivity. There are two important adaptations in 802.11p for ITS: a much stricter spectrum mask as well as stricter adjacent and nonadjacent channel rejection requirements. The adjacent channel rejection measures the ability of a receiver to demodulate and decode a desired signal in the presence of an interfering signal in an adjacent or nonadjacent channel. Moreover, for vehicular environments, fading has an enormous impact on the received signal quality. Not only does the channel itself change very quickly versus time, but Doppler shift, which is determined by the relative velocity between the transmitter and receiver, also occurs. This makes repeatable real-time fading simulation essential.

Fading profile: example of highway line of sight scenario as defined by ETSI.

Benefits of our 802.11p test solutions

  • Complete set of solutions covering tests for chipsets, modules, on-board units and roadside units
  • First 802.11p conformance test system on the market
  • Test solutions providing the required accuracy and real-time fading capabilities

Want to learn more?

Products for WLAN IEEE 802.11p testing

R&S®CMW270 wireless connectivity tester

The non-cellular expert – covers 802.11p for RF performance in non-signaling mode


R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator

The fine art of signal generation – supports 802.11p, including dedicated ITS fading profiles


R&S®FSW signal and spectrum analyzer

Setting standards in innovation and usability for testing 802.11p devices


R&S®CMW100 communications manufacturing test set

The ultra-compact non-signaling tester optimized for production lines. Supports 802.11p testing


R&S®SMBV100B vector signal generator

The new benchmark in its class with up to 500 MHz modulation bandwidth and excellent EVM performance even at high output power levels


R&S®FSV3000 signal analyzer

The right choice for 802.11p spectrum and signal analysis in development. Supports 400 MHz analysis bandwidth


R&S®DST200 RF diagnostic chamber

The ideal environment for RF analysis during development. Supports a wide range of radiated test applications for WLAN devices


More about WLAN IEEE 802.11p testing

Application note: Intelligent transportation systems using IEEE 802.11p

More information

Application card: Reproducible receiver tests under car-to-car fading conditions

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Webinar: V2X – the building blocks of an intelligent transport system

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Brochure: Trends in connected cars – at a glance

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