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19 Resultados
The R&S ® SFC-U USB compact modulator is an economical multistandard signal source.
Broadcast test center that offers a complete test environment for all common broadcast standards with DUT stimulus and analysis.
The R&S ® SFC compact modulator is an economical multistandard signal source.
The R&S ® SFE100 is a multistandard test transmitter providing realtime coding for broadcast signals.
Broadcast Standards for the SMCV100B Vector Signal Generator - Specifications
Feb 01, 2024 | Press Release | Broadcast and Media
Rohde & Schwarz demonstrates 5G Broadcast is ready for revenueRohde & Schwarz will show visitors at the Mobile World Congress 2024 (26 – 29 February, stand 5A80, Fira Gran Via Barcelona) a complete ecosystem for the revolutionary 5G Broadcast standard, delivering valuable new revenue streams for broadcasters and network operators. The presentation will emphasize that the system is ready for rollout and will show the pathways to additional revenues.
Jul 22, 2020 | Press Release | Test & measurement
Rohde & Schwarz presents economy vector signal generator for the automotive, IoT and education sectorsRohde & Schwarz presents economy vector signal generator for the automotive, IoT and education sectors.
DTMB is synonymous with the Chinese GB20600-2006 standard, which defines framing structure, channel coding and modulation for the digital television terrestrial broadcast system in the UHF and VHF bands.
experience configuring and operating R&S family of Oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, vector network analyzers, power supplies, and power meters; 5 years’ experience managing the complete Sales cycle from initial customer contact up to purchase order placement; 5 years’ experience in electronics and communications, particularly in radio frequency; 5 years’ experience with communication protocols and broadcast
Reducing your carbon footprint by more than 50%? No problem with our sustainable transmitter solutions. Find out more!
R&S SFE Broadcast Tester - Specifications
ATSC 3.0 (Advanced Television Systems Committee) is a digital terrestrial broadcasting standard that has been substantially enhanced compared with the ATSC A/53 predecessor standard.
Rohde&Schwarz supports H.264 Technology for Broadcasting and Multimedia T&M.
DRM+ is an expansion of the existing DRM standards with regard to the useful frequency range and Rohde&Schwarz supports DRM+ technologies.
Rohde & Schwarz supports the Mobile Broadcast technology DVB-H for transmitters, sound transmitters, broadcasting and Multimedia T&M, wireless communications testers, wireless communications systems, singal analyzers, spectrum analyzers, signal generators and mobile network testing.
Brinde una experiencia de usuario de infoentretenimiento perfecta. Las soluciones de Rohde & Schwarz para probar radios de automóviles proporcionan una plataforma multiestándar para el desarrollo y la producción.