50 Resultados
The R&S®TSMx mobile network scanners collect RF data to test mobile networks or analyze networks for government purposes. The new application programming interface (API) for R&S®TSMx mobile network scanners – here referred to as R&S®ViComWeb – allows the scanners to be quickly integrated into any third-party software irrespective of the operating system in use. Installations for walk and drive tests and for remote control of the scanners are supported.
Enhancing situational awareness with R&S®NESTOR and R&S®TSMx - Case Study Folletos y fichas técnicas
A time-gated spectrum scan applies a time gate on uplink/downlink slots/symbols or guard period and helps identifying interference in operational 5G TDD networks.
Sep 21, 2023 | N.º de nota de aplicación 8NT08
The R&S®TSME44DC and R&S®TSMS53DC are designed to easily upgrade the R&S®TSMx network scanners to measure 5G NR signals in the mmWave frequency range. They perfectly extend the latest generation mobile network scanner family and provide all features for easy drive and walk testing. They are fully controlled by the R&S®TSMx and the corresponding software layers, which allows seamless, unattended operation.
El Mobile Network Testing de Rohde & Schwarz proporciona una solución sin igual para pruebas combinadas que mide con precisión la cobertura del enlace descendente por medio de escáneres de red.
feb 20, 2018
R&S®TSMx升级用于5G NR毫米波测量
Mobile network testing (MNT) and cellular network analysis (CNA) have many use cases that overlap but require different antennas. Together with our R&S®TSMx mobile network scanners, Rohde & Schwarz has several antennas for all types of measurement campaigns. Typical network scanner applications include coverage and signal quality measurements for network verification, optimization, troubleshooting and benchmarking. Network scanners are also used for MIMO, network synchronization, interference and drone based RF measurements.
Pruebas basadas en escenarios de aplicaciones con tecnología C-V2X (vehículo con cualquier elemento de red celular) en entornos de laboratorio y campo
jun 30, 2022
Manual de Rohde & Schwarz del convertidor reductor ultracompacto R&S®TSMS53DC.
Manual de Rohde & Schwarz de los convertidores reductores ultracompactos R&S®TSME30DC, R&S®TSME44DC.
Apr 17, 2019
Rohde & Schwarz is the first provider of a complete end-to-end 5G NR network measurement solutionTest and measurement expert Rohde & Schwarz completes its commercial 5G NR network measurement solution. In combination with the new R&S TSME30DC downconverter, the R&S TSMx6 network scanner analyzes 5G NR signals up to 30 GHz, covering the majority of high frequency 5G NR use cases. Rounding out the solution are an updated version of the R&S ROMES4 drive test software and the R&S SmartAnalytics web-based software suite launched at MWC 2019.
Watch this video to learn more about R&S®TSMx capabilities. TSMx, Drive and walk test scanner, Security, security scanner R&S®TSMx scanners provide a maximum degree of freedom and upgradeability for efficient walk and drive test campaigns. Watch this video to learn more about R&S®TSMx capabilities.
Esta nota de aplicación ofrece una introducción general a la tecnología, explica detalladamente el estándar y resume las funciones de escáner del R&S®TSMx para mediciones de LTE-M.
jul 26, 2019 | N.º de nota de aplicación 8NT04
It also demonstrates how the R&S®TSMx6 family of network scanners can help ensure the seamless coexistence of 5G and RedCap, enabling efficient deployment and network benchmarking. Watch now to discover the future of 5G and RedCap! 5G RedCap – Network Testing The video shows an overview about 5G RedCap basics and its verification with field measurements.
Vídeo sobre detección automática de canal con R&S®TSMx La detección automática de canal (ACD) hace mucho más eficaces los drive tests para optimización y análisis comparativos de redes telefonía celular.
Vídeo, vídeo sobre Nb-Iot, vídeos sobre MNT Pruebas de cobertura de NB-IoT con R&S®ROMES4 y un escáner R&S®TSMx.
The R&S®TSME6 is designed for efficient drive and walk tests with a maximum degree of freedom and upgradability. With its ultracompact design and multiband and multitechnology support for simultaneous measurements, the scanner fulfills all requirements for a state-of-the-art measurement tool.
R&S TSMA6 Autonomous Mobile Network Scanner - Product Brochure
EU Declaration of Conformity for TSME6 including accessory: TSMA6-BP, TSMA6B-BP, TSMA6-Z1, TSME30DC, TSME44DC
EU Declaration of Conformity for TSMA6B and accessory: TSMA6-BP, TSMA6BP, TSME30DC, TSME44DC, TSMA6-Z1
The compact R&S®TSMA6B autonomous mobile network scanner is an integrated solution for efficient drive and walk testing. It offers maximum performance, autonomy and connectivity with an integrated highperformance PC and a mobile network scanner to comply with the latest requirements for state-of-the-art mobile network testing.
El escáner LTE C-V2X proporciona a los clientes la oportunidad de verificar, probar y optimizar los sistemas STI (indicadores clave de desempeño de RF y contenido de mensajes de sistemas STI decodificados).
oct 21, 2022 | N.º de nota de aplicación 8NT07
Accurate multitechnology RF measurements for deep network insights
En este video, explicamos cómo medir la sincronización de redes 5G y discutimos los resultados de mediciones en redes comerciales 5G realizadas con el software de análisis en tiempo real R&S®ROMES4. sincronización TDD 5G, escáneres TSMx y ROMES para medir interferencias En este video, explicamos cómo medir la sincronización de las redes 5G y discutimos los resultados de las mediciones en redes 5G comerciales