15 Ergebnisse
This document provides the technical specifications of the R&S®BBA150 broadband amplifier.
Excellent amplifiers from 4 kHz to 6 GHz with high power density
Influence of a directional coupler’s parameters on the results of forward and reflected power measurements
Excellence in precision. Solutions for particle accelerators - Flyer Broschüren und Datenblätter Flyer
Installing and using multiple versions of ELEKTRA ELEMI-E, ELEMI-EAS, ELEMS-C, ELEMS-R, ELEKTRA How to install multiple version of ELEKTRA. Installing and using multiple versions of ELEKTRA ELEMI-E, ELEMI-EAS, ELEMS-C, ELEMS-R, ELEKTRA How to install multiple version of ELEKTRA.
The R&S®UBL100 is an ultra broadband load which can be used from DC to 18 GHz.
High-power amplifiers from Rohde & Schwarz Broschüren und Datenblätter Brochure
Particle acceleration requires cavity resonators that are driven with high RF powers at defined frequencies. Rohde & Schwarz offers RF solid-state amplifiers for frequencies ranging from 9 kHz to 6 GHz, delivering CW power up to 80 kW.
T&M solution guide for network infrastructure equipment providers
Excellence in precision. Solutions for particle accelerators | 卓越した精度:粒子加速器 用のソリューション
This document provides the technical specifications of the R&S®DDC25 dual directional coupler.
EMV-Testsysteme von Rohde & Schwarz messen elektromagnetische Störungen von elektrischen Geräten und Anlagen und stellen die Konformität mit der jeweiligen EMV-Norm sicher. Als Marktführer für EMV‑Messtechnik bietet Rohde & Schwarz Lösungen zur Messung von elektromagnetischen Störaussendungen (EMI) und der Störfestigkeit (EMS).
❙ Electronic design
❙ Test and measurement solutions
This document describes the services that Rohde & Schwarz offers for the broadband amplifiers of the R&S®BBA150, R&S®BBA130 and R&S®BBL200 families.