Ready to push boundaries in the H band? Discover how you can extend the frequency range of your signal and spectrum analyzers to 220-330 GHz with Rohde & Schwarz.
High frequencies completely new to mobile radio mean that researching channel characteristics to determine the effects on transmitted signals of propogation delays resulting from reflection, and losses due to scattering, are a major requirement for 6G research. In this video we demonstrate a test setup for channel sounding in the D-band.
Easy and optimized EVM measurement of 5G NR signals
EVM is an important figure of merit when testing DUTs. Customers expect test equipment to deliver excellent EVM performance out of the box, without the need for extensive configuration and calibration procedures.
ローデ・シュワルツは、バルセロナで開催されたGSMA Mobile World Congress 2014で、汎用的で容易なエンベロープトラッキング・テストソリューションのデモ実演を行いました。リアルタイムのRFおよびエンベロープ信号は、1台のR&S®SMW200A ベクトル信号発生器から提供されます。R&S®FSW シグナル・スペクトラム・アナライザは、ひずみや電力付加効率(PAE)などを測定します。