CERTIUM® ANALYSIS: Interference Hunting in an airport environment

CERTIUM® ANALYSIS: Interference Hunting in an airport environment

How to use the R&S®PR200 for spectrum monitoring and interference hunting tasks.

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CERTIUM® ANALYSIS: HF measurement solutions

CERTIUM® ANALYSIS: HF measurement solutions

Test & measurement solutions for failure free operations of ATC radio infrastructure.

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Deep dive into CERTIUM® ANALYSIS

Deep dive into CERTIUM® ANALYSIS

Compliance with market-leading test and measurement solutions.

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R&S®AVQA - Air-ground monitor

Voice quality assurance is indispensable for airspace operations. R&S®AVQA A/G monitor provides a detailed information on the A/G connection between radio and VCS system. The fully flexible dashboard provides a high-level overview and allows a quick drill-down to the particular connection.

Jan 23, 2023

R&S®AVQA - Ground-ground monitor

Voice quality assurance is key for safe airspace operations. The R&S®AVQA G/G monitor provides a detailed information on the G/G connection between controller working positions but also between centers and airports. The quality data are recorded with a granularity of five seconds, providing a very detailed statistics.

Jan 23, 2023

R&S®AVQA - loopback monitor

R&S®AVQA loopback monitor provides a non-intrusive end to end test of the entire ATC voice communications system. Using the patented technology of correlating the ground-based receptions with the ground-based transmissions, the system provides non-intrusive analyses of the entire communication chain.

Jan 23, 2023

R&S®AVQA - frequency monitor

Long press PTT or simultaneous transmissions are serious problems in ATC voice communication. R&S®AVQA frequency monitor provides a great tool for analyses and alarming of such irregularities. Based on the non-intrusive voice monitoring, R&S®AVQA has a complete information about communication.

Jan 23, 2023

R&S®AVQA - RSSI monitor

The RSSI monitor in R&S®AVQA provides a great opportunity for long-term signal and noise monitoring of the radio infrastructure. Using the flags in the ED-137 voice stream, R&S®AVQA non-intrusively analyzes the RSSI level. Based on the squelch information, R&S®AVQA automatically differs between the signal and noise and reports this accordingly.

Jan 23, 2023

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