R&S®CMA180 radio test set

R&S®CMA180 radio test set
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R&S®CMA180 radio test set
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R&S®CMA180 radio test set
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®CMA180 radio test set
Abrir Lightbox
R&S®CMA180 radio test set
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R&S®CMA180 radio test set, Front Low R&S®CMA180 radio test set, Front High R&S®CMA180 radio test set, Side view R&S®CMA180 radio test set, Back view R&S®CMA180 radio test set, Application Image

Key Facts

  • Frequency range: 0.1 MHz to 3 GHz
  • Digital standards: DMR, P25, NXDN, TETRA, POCSAG, Zigbee
  • Analog testing: AM, FM, PM, SSB, CW
  • Avionics: ILS, VOR, MB generator and VOIP ED-137B/C support
  • I/Q recording and playback

Universal test capabilities

With its frequency range from 100 kHz to 3 GHz, the R&S®CMA180 is ideal for testing all common analog and digital radio systems. Input levels up to 150 W are no problem for the R&S®CMA180. The flexible internal switching capabilities for the audio and RF paths make the R&S®CMA180 suitable for a wide range of test requirements. Users can configure the internal generators, external audio sources, filters and measurements according to the given application. In the predefined test scenarios for receiver, transmitter and duplex tests, the RF and audio paths are preconfigured. This saves time and eliminates configuration errors for standard test cases.

Features & benefits

Versatile RF measurements

Sweeping spectrum analyzer and tracking generator

The R&S®CMA180 features a built-in sweeping spectrum analyzer. Extensive configuration options make this analyzer a universal tool for testing all types of DUTs. The spectrum analyzer has two operating modes: full span and user-defined spans. The zero span mode enables analysis in the time domain. In combination with the triggers, transients can be displayed. The built-in tracking generator makes it easy to determine the frequency response of RF components.

Public Safety and LTE testing

Digital receiver and transmitter measurements

The R&S®CMA180 can generate test signals for digital radio standards. Signal content can be configured to match test requirements. Signals can carry audio test tones or pseudo random bit sequences (PRBS), for example. Signaling parameters such as DMR color code can be configured on the instrument's intuitive GUI, making it easy to perform receiver tests for digital standards such as DMR, NXDN, APCO P25 and dPMR.
The integrated vector signal analyzer demodulates digital signals and delivers results, including eye diagrams, symbol distribution and scalar values such as frequency deviation and EVM.This allows the R&S®CMA180 to analyze a wide range of digital signals. The user simply selects the standard to be tested, and the test set automatically sets the required analyzer parameters. The R&S®CMA180 supports DMR, dPMR, NXDN, APCO P25, TETRA and LTE. Digital and analog measurements are started at the push of a button. Results are displayed in an overview and in detailed graphs and diagrams.

Test automation and tuning 

R&S®CMArun is available for test sequence control. It provides a graphical user interface for programming a test sequence. Individual settings and measurement tasks can be configured and arranged in a specific sequence. Sequences, loops and conditional queries help users easily create and execute complex test sequences. Each setting and measurement value is logged and then summarized and stored in a report. For measurements with limit values, pass or fail indicators can be displayed. With no configuration and the simple click of a button R&S CMA180 performs complete tuning of FM, APCO P25 and LTE functionality of L3Harris radios (XL-200P/M, XL-185P/M, XG-100M)


The R&S®CMA180 can be equipped with an AC power supply for operation at 110 V to 250 V or a DC power supply for operation at 10 V to 30 V. Equipped with a DC power supply, the R&S®CMA180 can also be powered via a vehicle’s power supply. The DC power supply can be connected to an external AC/DC converter for AC operation at 110 V to 250 V. An optional battery pack ensures maximum mobility and turns the R&S®CMA180 with DC power supply into a portable tester that can be brought directly to the DUT.

Avionics testing

ILS, VOR marker beacon and VoIP

Its outstanding signal quality makes the R&S®CMA180 an extremely versatile radio tester for aircraft. The R&S®CMA180 can analyze ILS, VOR and marker beacon signals for aircraft landing systems as well as airborne radio signals. Equipped with a battery and antenna, the R&S®CMA180 is a standalone instrument that is ideal for aircraft maintenance. The R&S®CMA180 incorporates a VoIP generator and analyzer in line with EUROCAE ED-137B/C. The VoIP interface is fully integrated in the R&S®CMA180.

Available options


Order Number 1209.7058.02


VoIP Support acc. to EUROCAE-ED137B/C


Order Number 1209.6422.02


Test of R&S-S4200 Radios


Order Number 1209.5703.02


Generator for ILS/VOR

Digital modulation

Order Number 1209.8990.02


Signal Analysis Base Software


Order Number 1209.9009.02


Signal Analyser Digital (DMR, APCO, NXDN, dPMR)


Order Number 1209.8731.02


Control Libraries for Harris Radios (XL-200P/M, XL-185P/M, XG-100M), to perform automated test procedures with CMArun

4G / LTE measurements

Order Number 1209.8877.02


Signal Analysis Software LTE FDD

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Premio: 1 osciloscopio digital R&S®RTB2000

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